Why Nice Guys Shouldn't Exist 101
Welcome children class is in session. Quit chewing your gum. Put away your porn magazines. I have little tolerance for slackers. Now let us begin with our lesson.
We shall now study Nicus Guyus or in laymens terms the chump. This particular breed of human is supposedly rare and very good to have in a pinch. Recent surveys have shown that nice guys are becoming fewer and fewer. Or as you often hear on the street "It's so hard to find a nice guy these days."
Now lets take our thoughts on this poor creature and see why is it slowly becoming extinct and should be erradicated from human society faster than current time frames.
1. Nice guys treat you like a human being and don't judge you. They see you for who you really are.
Reasons why nice guy shouldn't do this :
Nice guys are just like anyone else. They have same desires etc, they just tend to repress more than the average because they are under the assumption that taking time to know a person and seeing who they are is the way to get somewhere. Tests have shown this to be false. While nice guy is learning about a person and treating them with respect said person is out playing hide the salami with a complete asshole that doesn't respect nor care much about the person.
Why is this? The ladder theory goes into indepth discussions about this particular subject. I tend to think that a majority of what it says holds merit. Intellectual whores as they are referred to are used as surrogate boyfriends to get what can't be found in a current relationship. This inevitably proves to be most everything. Common signs are "You understand me." " You are much nicer than my boyfriend." "I feel we have a connection." What is actually being said here is that I will use you as my emotional punching bag while you sit there torturing yourself over not being able to date me.
2. The I need someone that cares about me and does things because they love me.
Why nice guy shouldn't do this:
At first it is the perfect set up. Nice guys does things for you( note: not all women prefer this so this doesn't apply to all cases.). Nice guy goes out of his way to show he cares etc. This is like the spider into the web trick. It starts out appreciated and nice guy keeps doing things. Eventually it moves beyond the level of appreciation and into the area of expectation. When it reaches this level said individual starts to take advantage of nice guy. They tend to expect the nice guy to just drop everything or do this or do that. Nice guy being mentally damaged keeps trying to please individual. When nice guy can't keep up anymore it would appear that he doesn't care as much as he used to about the person. Another tactic is to exceed the law of supply and demand and just keep demanding and demanding way beyond sane levels. Individual has now moved towards taking advantage of nice guy. At this point nice guy needs to have good friend explain that relationship has gone sour.
3. Nice guys usually work hard and get things done without much complaint.
Why nice guy shouldn't do this:
Nice guys usually take pride in what they do in life. They tend to work harder and do more than is normally required of them (note: not always the case but is true most of the time). Because nice guy is willing to do a good job or work harder nice guy becomes the fall guy. Other work mates and usually supervisors see person as a patsy. They will pawn off work on them and add more to what that particular individual has to accomplish in a day. Add to this fact nice guy never recieves compliments on his work and if something is wrong there is an emphasis placed upon their faults. This is a trick to make the nice guy work even harder on things. Eventually nice guy does a lot more work for themselves and everyone else. This leads to nice guy breaking down faster and always being swamped while other individuals dilly dally and fuck around. Eventually nice guy gets tired and leaves job looking for some place that will appreciate them. They find new job and the cycle starts over again.
4. Nice guys are usually honest and won't play you or lie to you about things.
Why nice guys shouldn't do this:
This is a particularly interesting aspect of the nice guy. They are under the assumption that they don't want someone lying to them so they do not lie to others. This makes them vulnerable to a lot of things. People like this "refreshing honesty" they find yet do not feel that they should reciprocate the honesty. Now if confronted with their lies it was done "so you didn't get hurt" "for your protection" "it wasn't a major lie" etc ad infinitum. This ability for the human psyche to pass the buck so it seems so that they didn't do something wrong. All are normal human tactics and quite funny when tables are reversed to see how the world ends that someone lied to them.
Closing Thoughts
My arguement is very simple. Nice guys shouldn't exist. If people are going to lie to us, think that we are hiding something because we are being nice, or just generally abuse the nature of our niceness then I feel that we should stop completly. Give people what they apparently want. Assholes and lazy bastards that dont' actually give a shit. Now my thoughts could be considered bitter and a bit skewed, but ask yourself. How many nice guys you know that work harder than others yet still get crapped on and abused in the work place? How many times have you said to a nice guy "You are so nice I don't understand why you don't have a girlfriend." "Why did you stop doing that for me, don't you care anymore?" blah blah blah. I'm just speaking out from what I watch and observe when I am in public places etc and see how people treat others. Oh well in summation lets just all be assholes and sink this bitch.
Welcome children class is in session. Quit chewing your gum. Put away your porn magazines. I have little tolerance for slackers. Now let us begin with our lesson.
We shall now study Nicus Guyus or in laymens terms the chump. This particular breed of human is supposedly rare and very good to have in a pinch. Recent surveys have shown that nice guys are becoming fewer and fewer. Or as you often hear on the street "It's so hard to find a nice guy these days."
Now lets take our thoughts on this poor creature and see why is it slowly becoming extinct and should be erradicated from human society faster than current time frames.
1. Nice guys treat you like a human being and don't judge you. They see you for who you really are.
Reasons why nice guy shouldn't do this :
Nice guys are just like anyone else. They have same desires etc, they just tend to repress more than the average because they are under the assumption that taking time to know a person and seeing who they are is the way to get somewhere. Tests have shown this to be false. While nice guy is learning about a person and treating them with respect said person is out playing hide the salami with a complete asshole that doesn't respect nor care much about the person.
Why is this? The ladder theory goes into indepth discussions about this particular subject. I tend to think that a majority of what it says holds merit. Intellectual whores as they are referred to are used as surrogate boyfriends to get what can't be found in a current relationship. This inevitably proves to be most everything. Common signs are "You understand me." " You are much nicer than my boyfriend." "I feel we have a connection." What is actually being said here is that I will use you as my emotional punching bag while you sit there torturing yourself over not being able to date me.
2. The I need someone that cares about me and does things because they love me.
Why nice guy shouldn't do this:
At first it is the perfect set up. Nice guys does things for you( note: not all women prefer this so this doesn't apply to all cases.). Nice guy goes out of his way to show he cares etc. This is like the spider into the web trick. It starts out appreciated and nice guy keeps doing things. Eventually it moves beyond the level of appreciation and into the area of expectation. When it reaches this level said individual starts to take advantage of nice guy. They tend to expect the nice guy to just drop everything or do this or do that. Nice guy being mentally damaged keeps trying to please individual. When nice guy can't keep up anymore it would appear that he doesn't care as much as he used to about the person. Another tactic is to exceed the law of supply and demand and just keep demanding and demanding way beyond sane levels. Individual has now moved towards taking advantage of nice guy. At this point nice guy needs to have good friend explain that relationship has gone sour.
3. Nice guys usually work hard and get things done without much complaint.
Why nice guy shouldn't do this:
Nice guys usually take pride in what they do in life. They tend to work harder and do more than is normally required of them (note: not always the case but is true most of the time). Because nice guy is willing to do a good job or work harder nice guy becomes the fall guy. Other work mates and usually supervisors see person as a patsy. They will pawn off work on them and add more to what that particular individual has to accomplish in a day. Add to this fact nice guy never recieves compliments on his work and if something is wrong there is an emphasis placed upon their faults. This is a trick to make the nice guy work even harder on things. Eventually nice guy does a lot more work for themselves and everyone else. This leads to nice guy breaking down faster and always being swamped while other individuals dilly dally and fuck around. Eventually nice guy gets tired and leaves job looking for some place that will appreciate them. They find new job and the cycle starts over again.
4. Nice guys are usually honest and won't play you or lie to you about things.
Why nice guys shouldn't do this:
This is a particularly interesting aspect of the nice guy. They are under the assumption that they don't want someone lying to them so they do not lie to others. This makes them vulnerable to a lot of things. People like this "refreshing honesty" they find yet do not feel that they should reciprocate the honesty. Now if confronted with their lies it was done "so you didn't get hurt" "for your protection" "it wasn't a major lie" etc ad infinitum. This ability for the human psyche to pass the buck so it seems so that they didn't do something wrong. All are normal human tactics and quite funny when tables are reversed to see how the world ends that someone lied to them.
Closing Thoughts
My arguement is very simple. Nice guys shouldn't exist. If people are going to lie to us, think that we are hiding something because we are being nice, or just generally abuse the nature of our niceness then I feel that we should stop completly. Give people what they apparently want. Assholes and lazy bastards that dont' actually give a shit. Now my thoughts could be considered bitter and a bit skewed, but ask yourself. How many nice guys you know that work harder than others yet still get crapped on and abused in the work place? How many times have you said to a nice guy "You are so nice I don't understand why you don't have a girlfriend." "Why did you stop doing that for me, don't you care anymore?" blah blah blah. I'm just speaking out from what I watch and observe when I am in public places etc and see how people treat others. Oh well in summation lets just all be assholes and sink this bitch.