I'm back, for a short time it seems. I'll update as soon as I find time from work, marriage, and baby!
gracias muchas gracias por el apoyo
thanks you very much !!
thanks you very much !!
Thanks for the comment on my set

Well. I took a little hiatus and ended up without the internet. I have it back now so I should be around regularly. I am also going to put up pictures of my daughter as well verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry soon. I'll talk to you all laters.
A belated congrats on the baby! 

I'm up into the wee hours of the morning trying to get a bunch of crap onto the Ipod I got my gf for christmas so its ready for when she opens it. I'm playing the romantic sucker and put the pictures of the ultrasounds on her picture files. Hopefully that will end my ordeal of lets make more pictures every other day.
I also...
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I also...
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hey, how have you been? Hope you're well. 

We went and had an ultrasound done today to determine the sex of the baby. I was really excited. I didn't know they could show you the flow of the blood through the baby with that thing. It was neat as hell. Now just comes the waiting game of when the baby is due in April. So.... Here is my turn to be proud and...
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Thank you very much, it turned out even better then I could have every imagined, it has so much meaning and everything about it is better then I could have hoped for. the guy who did it is really good.
Well then I hope she has your eyes to.
Well then I hope she has your eyes to.
I heard in some states you arent allowed to have ultrasounds anymore?
I heard in some states you arent allowed to have ultrasounds anymore?
Well thursday I learned my liver wasn't as bad as i was lead to believe. I've had a scare for the past few months that it was saying to hell with you I'm leaving. Basically it comes down to having to lose some excess weight, otherwise my cholesterol will start shooting up. In better news I haven't had a cigarette in 16 days. I'm almost...
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I'm glad to hear that things are going pretty good. I know how much you loved your cigarettes so I know how tuff quitting was, I hope you keep up the good work. oh by the way I got a tattoo, I have a photo of it in my journal.
thats awesome new man! does that mean you've quit smoking?
been about 2 weeks without a cigarette now. going a bit nuts. hopefully i won't try to kill anyone anytime soon. I am trying to quit so that hopefully by the time the baby is here I won't really have the supreme cravings for them and go all smoke stack around the kid.
Met with some friends from college yesterday and they all have kids...
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Met with some friends from college yesterday and they all have kids...
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Congratulations on quitting smoking, I'm sure you will feel so mush better when it is all out of your body. I didn't know you were having a kid, how far along is your girlfriend?
what did you say to them? i guess growing up makes people suck some times. are you going to see then again?
what did you say to them? i guess growing up makes people suck some times. are you going to see then again?
just keep at it man, you'll be better off as a non smoker!
hows life treating ya?
hows life treating ya?
Rules to riding a 4 wheeler up a steep mountain
1. Make sure you know what you are doing.
2. Make sure the vehicle can actually produced the power required to drag you up the mountain.
3.Make sure you have brakes.
4. Make sure it isn't a cleverly disguied plan concocted by your friends to kill you.
Last friday and saturday I went camping and...
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1. Make sure you know what you are doing.
2. Make sure the vehicle can actually produced the power required to drag you up the mountain.
3.Make sure you have brakes.
4. Make sure it isn't a cleverly disguied plan concocted by your friends to kill you.
Last friday and saturday I went camping and...
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Your friends want your inheritance, Chuckie Baby.
Either that, or violate your corpse.
I'm not sure. I'm not personally aware of the kind of people you associate with.
Either that, or violate your corpse.
I'm not sure. I'm not personally aware of the kind of people you associate with.

A muppet hunter eh? That's a pretty good idea, lol.
Or you could go as the swedish chef....
So it's a good thing you DIDN'T get impaled. That would really suck. Your too cool for impaling. It is good that you still had fun though. They do say the best way to learn something is the hard way.
And congratulations (I hope) on becoming a father. April is not a bad month
You will make a great dad.
And as for getting in touch, I am on and off IM all the time (tho never the right time) between 10 am and 3 pm and sometimes late at night. (Oh and I'm sure that really My phone number is the same, and I still have yours, but I got a new phone and still havent transferred numbers into it yet.
Or you could go as the swedish chef....
So it's a good thing you DIDN'T get impaled. That would really suck. Your too cool for impaling. It is good that you still had fun though. They do say the best way to learn something is the hard way.

And congratulations (I hope) on becoming a father. April is not a bad month

And as for getting in touch, I am on and off IM all the time (tho never the right time) between 10 am and 3 pm and sometimes late at night. (Oh and I'm sure that really My phone number is the same, and I still have yours, but I got a new phone and still havent transferred numbers into it yet.

Rules to riding a 4 wheeler up a steep mountain
1. Make sure you know what you are doing.
2. Make sure the vehicle can actually produced the power required to drag you up the mountain.
3.Make sure you have brakes.
4. Make sure it isn't a cleverly disguied plan concocted by your friends to kill you.
Last friday and saturday I went camping and...
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1. Make sure you know what you are doing.
2. Make sure the vehicle can actually produced the power required to drag you up the mountain.
3.Make sure you have brakes.
4. Make sure it isn't a cleverly disguied plan concocted by your friends to kill you.
Last friday and saturday I went camping and...
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somehow I lost my name. oh well guess that is how things go!!!
thx for comenting on my set

Thanks for the comment!
xoxoxox :kisses: xoxoxox