So here's a question for the one or two people who read my journal:
Say you are hanging out somewhere. I don't know, someplace where you hang out often, someplace you feel safe and secure.
You're chillin', relaxin', and you notice that someone is looking at you. So you slyly sneak a glance at that person, and you notice that they are fairly attractive. In fact, you're pretty sure that if you got to know them, dated them for a while, that you would like to 'play' with them.
So they notice you looking at them (despite your efforts to be sly) and they come over to talk to you. (This could be a boy or girl, depending on your preference.) They do one nice thing for you, like buy you a drink, or give you a flower they picked, or show you a picture of you they drew on a napkin... whatever. Something that catches your interest.
Then they say to you, "Listen, I noticed you from over there, and I think you are beautiful, interesting and sexy. I'd love to get to know you, but I'm only in town for one night, and I'm leaving in the morning. I'd like you to come someplace private with me, because it would make me really happy to spend some Naked Time with you. What do you say?"
Now, let's assume that you have some way of making sure that he (or she) isn't going to chop you up and dump you in a motel ice chest.
Well, what would you say? And has anyone been approached like this before, and what did you do?
I've never tried it, myself, and I'm wondering if anyone ever has.
Say you are hanging out somewhere. I don't know, someplace where you hang out often, someplace you feel safe and secure.
You're chillin', relaxin', and you notice that someone is looking at you. So you slyly sneak a glance at that person, and you notice that they are fairly attractive. In fact, you're pretty sure that if you got to know them, dated them for a while, that you would like to 'play' with them.
So they notice you looking at them (despite your efforts to be sly) and they come over to talk to you. (This could be a boy or girl, depending on your preference.) They do one nice thing for you, like buy you a drink, or give you a flower they picked, or show you a picture of you they drew on a napkin... whatever. Something that catches your interest.
Then they say to you, "Listen, I noticed you from over there, and I think you are beautiful, interesting and sexy. I'd love to get to know you, but I'm only in town for one night, and I'm leaving in the morning. I'd like you to come someplace private with me, because it would make me really happy to spend some Naked Time with you. What do you say?"
Now, let's assume that you have some way of making sure that he (or she) isn't going to chop you up and dump you in a motel ice chest.
Well, what would you say? And has anyone been approached like this before, and what did you do?
I've never tried it, myself, and I'm wondering if anyone ever has.
...hmm, I have never heard that line OR had that scenario in your journal entry. but I can remember 2 alternate approaches:
1) After a long day hiking together, buying her Vegetarian Indian cuisine, going silently mad wondering if she liked me and then finally giving up. She drops me off in front of my apartment, I fully expect to say goodbye, she INVITES HERSELF up to my room. We go up. I spend about an hour showing her my art. She eventually leaves. After a few weird coffee dates, she moves away and I never see her again. Months later I smack my forehead after figuring out she'd practically done everything but rip off her clothes and sit on my face. Story of MY fucking life!
2) Whilst diddling around as a very amateur DJ using an ancient CD mixer, Asian-Australian mix girl gets real friendly, talks about bad old boyfriend, leans on me, acts really nervous, offers me drinks, begs for selections of music....I am feeling fucked up over another girl entirely, say I'm too tired to hang out for the after party and leave. 2 weeks later, she sends me an eMail saying she really wanted me that night and wondering why I rejected her. THWAP!!! I slap my forehead again.