So we didn't rent "Porky's", like I thought we were going to. Instead, we had dinner, a few Belhavens, and then went to our favorite Irish pub. Then I had a few Guinnesses, and a few shots of Jameson's.
Man, was I gone.
I don't know why I do that to myself. I only drink like that maybe once every six months, but damn do I regret it.
Man, was I gone.
I don't know why I do that to myself. I only drink like that maybe once every six months, but damn do I regret it.
Plus, I think it's good that I only drink occasionally. It's one of the only things that's keeping me from becoming a stereotypical white-trash loser.
'Coz I've got all the other aspects -- poverty-level job, two divorces, a beat-up van, an affinity for smoking grass, and a constant craving for pizza. Oh, and more than my fair share of pure, unadulterated laziness.