So, I think it's time to actually post a real blog entry in here... *smirk*
Not a whole lot going on around here - there never is. You would think that Japan would be a really cool place to live, even considering that "living" here is being stationed here in the military (a decision I made, by obvious appeal of coolness), but, Podunk, farm-ville, North Japan, is by all my measures, pretty damn close to the polar opposite of an exciting place to be.
Thus, I find myself sitting here, in this chair, in front of this screen quite a bit. I put down some boo loo cash recently and put together a pretty sweet gaming PC for the many hours I must keep myself entertained. I hear that I'm dodging a lot of chaos in the US with the economic disaster of things spiraling down and making people's lives less than content. Sigh.
America. Change. Obama. Media. Corporate collapse. etc. etc.
I'm not really sure if I lost hope in humanity when I never really had any to begin with. Entropy and Change are the ways of the universe. I can't really say that anything would surprise me at this point when I expect such things, especially in our age of technology, globalization and overpopulation.
Man, I get lonely over here sometimes and find a lack of intellectual people to talk to. Leave me some cheery comments, please? Yay.
Not a whole lot going on around here - there never is. You would think that Japan would be a really cool place to live, even considering that "living" here is being stationed here in the military (a decision I made, by obvious appeal of coolness), but, Podunk, farm-ville, North Japan, is by all my measures, pretty damn close to the polar opposite of an exciting place to be.
Thus, I find myself sitting here, in this chair, in front of this screen quite a bit. I put down some boo loo cash recently and put together a pretty sweet gaming PC for the many hours I must keep myself entertained. I hear that I'm dodging a lot of chaos in the US with the economic disaster of things spiraling down and making people's lives less than content. Sigh.
America. Change. Obama. Media. Corporate collapse. etc. etc.
I'm not really sure if I lost hope in humanity when I never really had any to begin with. Entropy and Change are the ways of the universe. I can't really say that anything would surprise me at this point when I expect such things, especially in our age of technology, globalization and overpopulation.
Man, I get lonely over here sometimes and find a lack of intellectual people to talk to. Leave me some cheery comments, please? Yay.
aw, thanks
Thanks for the comment on my Paintstorm set. Yay! :]