Hey everyone! How are ya'all doing?
I just finished my second week of school and already I hate it. I can't even do my first chemistry assignment... I think I'm fucked. Also, I am convinced that one of my psych teachers is a little nuts (figures). He was a Canadian Idol contestant, he's obsessed with Dr.Who, he made me add him to msn and he talks to me all of the time. My chem teacher is so nervous that he studders and shakes while he teaches and the entire class makes fun of him. My psych305 (stats) is taught by the same japanese guy I had for psych last year and I can't understand a damn thing he says and, of course, he writes his own textbooks so that makes things worse. Strange enough I'm actually loving Biology. My lab partner is a cool tattooed hobo and I am in class with Shannon and Scott. We are gonna cause so much trouble muah ah ha ha I can't wait.
Anyways, I should have mentioned this a long time ago but someone left a sock at my place the other night after my party. It's a white ankle sock and it's got blue, pink purple and grey stripes on it. Let me know if it's yours because if you don't claim it soon it will either become a dog toy or be lost for all eternity in my messy room.
What has everyone been up to? Any ideas of how to kill the boredom this winter?
Thank you and good night.
I just finished my second week of school and already I hate it. I can't even do my first chemistry assignment... I think I'm fucked. Also, I am convinced that one of my psych teachers is a little nuts (figures). He was a Canadian Idol contestant, he's obsessed with Dr.Who, he made me add him to msn and he talks to me all of the time. My chem teacher is so nervous that he studders and shakes while he teaches and the entire class makes fun of him. My psych305 (stats) is taught by the same japanese guy I had for psych last year and I can't understand a damn thing he says and, of course, he writes his own textbooks so that makes things worse. Strange enough I'm actually loving Biology. My lab partner is a cool tattooed hobo and I am in class with Shannon and Scott. We are gonna cause so much trouble muah ah ha ha I can't wait.
Anyways, I should have mentioned this a long time ago but someone left a sock at my place the other night after my party. It's a white ankle sock and it's got blue, pink purple and grey stripes on it. Let me know if it's yours because if you don't claim it soon it will either become a dog toy or be lost for all eternity in my messy room.
What has everyone been up to? Any ideas of how to kill the boredom this winter?
Thank you and good night.
Wow, sounds like you are dealing with some pretty crazy professors! Good luck! 

what biology class are you taking? ways to kill boredom - bellydance, drink a lot, party with SG folks, read something other than text books.