Ok everyone here are the oh-so-artistic directions to my place. The party is on September 3rd around 9. You can sleep over if you get too hammered but there will be a few DD's who you will have to worship the entire night for taking care of all the drunks. There will be a bonfire so bring your lawnchairs, sticks and wieners. hehe I hope to see you there.

i'm totally kewl about hanging with you at school. i could use to know more people there aswell.
i saw Roque there and sorta wanted to say "hi". he and i know all the same people (and that's probabily cuz he knows EVERYONE) but we've never been formally introduced. i think it'd be kewl if we/me/you could meet Bif. i've tryed to a couple of times but to no avail. *sigh* i hate impatient friends
thanks again for the wonderfull party. it couldnt' have been more perfect.