Today was one of those days that they define my life perfectly. Let me tell you a bit about it becuase it will make your life seem oh so much better. Last night I decided to sleep on the upstairs couch because my room is not finished and is currently infested with mice. I took my alarm clock upstairs, set it, and fell asleep around 11:00 pm watcning Will & Grace (or as my dad likes to call it fag and grace... yes, he's a homophobe but for him that's pretty creative). I am supposed to start at 2am but I could sleep in last night until about 3:30 am because the truck was supposed to be late. Oh yah, I guess I should tell you that I drive around in a big truck and deliver bread. Anyways I guess I set the clock wrong becuase it woke me up around 2am anyways (FUCK!) and I couldn't get back to sleep becuase my body is used to being at work by then. So I called Daniel, went to work, and sat around with my thumb up my butt for several hours. When the truck finally arrived and unloaded everything ws fucked up beyond belief and it took forever to sort out. I start my deliveries and I soon get a call that one of my fellow workers has severely injured himself and can't work anymore(if you are one of the assholes who work at Burger King/ A&W I hope you know that when you throw your grease outside the delivery door you can hurt someone). So Steven covered for him and I covered for Steven which meant doing almost twice the amount of work in the same amount of time. Needless to say I fell behind and everyone I deliver to was pissed. That doesn't help becuase the asshole manager at Sobey's already hates me because of my "inacceptable" (yes, he says inacceptable instead of unacceptable) appearance. All the while my computer is acting funny. It keeps beeping, spontaneously shutting off and so forth. I finish my route and Steven's and get back to the depot only to discover that my computer has crashed. I call the help desk and am placed on hold for half an hour. Fixing the computer took about two hours. Now I am home and my mom is in cleaning mode which means all she does is run around hysterically cleaning and screaming at everyone. The sound of her voice makes me want to find a gun and blow my brains out all over the computer screen. I am due back at work for my lovely second shift of the day in about two hours so I am once again going to try and crash on the couch (if I can find some ear plugs to drown out the sound of my mom's screaching, that is). I wish you all the best of days! I like to think that when mine are really shitty is makes someone else have a really good day. Maybe that's why so many people in Saskatchewan have won the lottery...
sure. bring guest. i have a feeling we are going to have to end up spilling into the park accross the street