My account expires in 14 days. Someone buy me one for christmas so that I don't have to disappear.
I either have the best or the worst luck in the entire world. During my chemistry lab exam this week there was a chemical spill in another class and we had to evacuate the entire building. I have the best luck if we get a re-write because I was not sufficiently prepared for the exam. I have the worst luck if they decide to mark what we had finished when we had to leave becuase I skipped all the questions I knew well to allow lots of time for the ones I wasn't sure of. If that happens I will likely fail the test and therefore the class. Then I will have to stay at the crappy U of R for another year and likely NEVER get into med. school.
In other interesting news: for those of you who go to the U of R my fat naked ass is located on the 2nd floor of the education building. I posed as a nude cyborg for a photography project. The pictures won second place. Hurray for my fat, naked ass!
I either have the best or the worst luck in the entire world. During my chemistry lab exam this week there was a chemical spill in another class and we had to evacuate the entire building. I have the best luck if we get a re-write because I was not sufficiently prepared for the exam. I have the worst luck if they decide to mark what we had finished when we had to leave becuase I skipped all the questions I knew well to allow lots of time for the ones I wasn't sure of. If that happens I will likely fail the test and therefore the class. Then I will have to stay at the crappy U of R for another year and likely NEVER get into med. school.
In other interesting news: for those of you who go to the U of R my fat naked ass is located on the 2nd floor of the education building. I posed as a nude cyborg for a photography project. The pictures won second place. Hurray for my fat, naked ass!

DMT: TSM is the ONLY book I've ever been able to read on my own time (adhd and what not
AAANYWAAYY... Quake?!?! Oh man.. I was addicted to Quake2 multiplayer. And now that Quake4 is out.. *drools*..
I dunno why we haven't talked before, wtf hey?
The only reason I know Trent is because of elementary school. The first day of Grade 9, when everyone met in the gym.. suddenly people began to cluster into their little cliques, trying to identify themselves by the people they wanted to hang around with. Honest to 'god' I sat right in the middle of all the group bymyself and that's how the rest of high school was for me. I didn't belong to any particular group, but I mingled and talked to everyone because I had somethign in common with everyone (elementary school, music, MATH, drugs, ... whatever). I was a chameleon. I didn't know who I was at the time, but I knew who i wasn't.
Tool is my saviour too! And also the reaosn why I picked the DMT book. (also because of the Alex Grey art!). I 've never seen Tool live unfortunetly but I CANT die until I do. Rumour mill says their next album is coming out arounf April 2006, but who knows. All I know is, I'm going to every show in the prairie vicinity!