As times will soon be getting brutally, retardedly hard with school in the next few weeks I leave you with some pictures form Halloween that I had intended on putting up several weeks ago. They should amuse you until I return. I hope all goes well with everyone.
The Halloween Hoe Train
My drummer, Jordan (AKA Jack Sparrow)
Slutty and I nipple tweaking
Daniel and I looking retarded

The Halloween Hoe Train

My drummer, Jordan (AKA Jack Sparrow)

Slutty and I nipple tweaking

Daniel and I looking retarded
Anyways, still working on the set for tonights shoot.....Red Wine/Raw Meat. Tomrrow the pics will be up. Im excited. Very excited. So excited in fact, that Im gonna miss family guy tonight.\
EDIT TO ADD: As you can see, my typing ability goes down as my alchohol intake increases....Im not certain theres a link....
[Edited on Nov 27, 2005 6:20PM]
I just searched sexy nurse, and she showed up... and I couldn't stop laughing.
Goddamn school. I think I saw you the other day, but I wasn't sure, and I woulda felt like a nerd if I had just started yelling your name!