I met 3 SG peeps all in one night! Muchos shout-outs to kittyhawke, braeden, and penguinscheme! It was totally wonderful meeting you all and I had a kick ass time. Definately gonna let you all know when I come back into town next.
Meeting SG kids in real life wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it was gonna be. Now I am gonna start knocking SG peeps off my "people I want to meet" list ASAP!
So I was in my hometown for 2 days. Between my moms and I we must have scratched off 150 instant lottery tickets! She has a problem and is why I have that gambling gene.
Much love to all. Be cool.
I met 3 SG peeps all in one night! Muchos shout-outs to kittyhawke, braeden, and penguinscheme! It was totally wonderful meeting you all and I had a kick ass time. Definately gonna let you all know when I come back into town next.
Meeting SG kids in real life wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it was gonna be. Now I am gonna start knocking SG peeps off my "people I want to meet" list ASAP!
So I was in my hometown for 2 days. Between my moms and I we must have scratched off 150 instant lottery tickets! She has a problem and is why I have that gambling gene.
Much love to all. Be cool.
My truck is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My truck, without me, is useless. Without my truck, I am useless. I must drive my truck true. I must drive better than my competition who is trying to put me out of business.
Heh. I seem to recall chanting something similar before going to bed when I was in boot camp. Would I name the truck? I don't know... I guess it's worth consideration. I've had several trucks and never named them, but I've never owned them either. It'll take a little while to get this ball rolling. The first thing I'll be doing is making SURE I have a job (contractor) waiting to lease my services to. Then I will most likely give two weeks notice at my current job, then have a couple weeks "off" during which I will likely shop for a truck. I guess I'll have to ensure I can get financed first as well. It ain't like buying a car... there's a lot more "risk" with a truck. Most of the time you're expected to pay it off within a couple / few years because of the expected massive depreciation. I'm sure all of this business will give me ample time to think up a suitible name.
She claims she's kidding, but I'm not so sure...