How the fuck do you change the three pictures that are in your profile?
Am I retarded or just on one too many PBRs to figure this out?
I just uploaded a neato fun new picture that someone painted of me and I want to use it as my profile pic and I have no idea how to do it.
Wow, I remember back in the day there was a time when I was pretty in touch what was going on technology wise. No longer.
In poker news, I have been lighting fools up left and right. Made more loot in 3 days than in my whole check for 2 weeks. I fucking HATE it when that shit happens.....
Oh yeah, and I am totally dating a girl!!!! Real live one, with boobs and everything!!
I am happy, and this shit never happens to me!
Hope all is rad with you all out there in SG land!
Am I retarded or just on one too many PBRs to figure this out?
I just uploaded a neato fun new picture that someone painted of me and I want to use it as my profile pic and I have no idea how to do it.
Wow, I remember back in the day there was a time when I was pretty in touch what was going on technology wise. No longer.
In poker news, I have been lighting fools up left and right. Made more loot in 3 days than in my whole check for 2 weeks. I fucking HATE it when that shit happens.....
Oh yeah, and I am totally dating a girl!!!! Real live one, with boobs and everything!!
I am happy, and this shit never happens to me!
Hope all is rad with you all out there in SG land!

But dude, you're old enough to know that things never stay the same forever.