Fuck 16 hour work days! Fuck Cleveland whooping on Detroit! What the FUCK? I owe a guy at work a bottle of crown now! Damn gambling gene!!
Holy Bejeesus I am EXHAUSTED!!
I played poker 5 days last week at the casino and made a FUCKING KILLING!
I am gonna pay off my credit cards again and then maybe I can see if I can stop working so much and try and substitute a little poker playin for the crappy jobby job! 2 Gs in 5 days is a FUCKTON better than my crappy job!
Homeboy has skills!
I also keep using the word "shitfuckton"!
"Damn bud, that is a shitfuckton of ketchup you have on those fries! "
I have a belt buckle that says "hustler" on it. You are jealous.
I might be going to Pittsburgh at the end of the month to visit my brother! I FUCKING LOVE that city!!
Things going well with all ya'all?
Holy Bejeesus I am EXHAUSTED!!
I played poker 5 days last week at the casino and made a FUCKING KILLING!
I am gonna pay off my credit cards again and then maybe I can see if I can stop working so much and try and substitute a little poker playin for the crappy jobby job! 2 Gs in 5 days is a FUCKTON better than my crappy job!
Homeboy has skills!

I also keep using the word "shitfuckton"!
"Damn bud, that is a shitfuckton of ketchup you have on those fries! "
I have a belt buckle that says "hustler" on it. You are jealous.
I might be going to Pittsburgh at the end of the month to visit my brother! I FUCKING LOVE that city!!
Things going well with all ya'all?

and yes I want your hustler belt buckle...I may just have to steal it