Holy fucking wow! I love living in Michigan. I have never had so much of a clusterfuck of a life until I started living here. Not to mention the weather. Yeah, I am gonna talk about it. Yesterday is was like 71 degrees! I shit you not. It was fucking beautiful outside. Today it was still like 66 degrees outside but it was a tad bit cloudy. Tonight, I left work at like 12am and it was a tad cloudy and rainy, but I was wearing a T-shirt. I went to a bar in downtown Ypsi, and tonight, when I came outside, IT WAS FUCKING SNOWING!!!! NOT LIKE SNOWING A LITTLE BIT, BUT THERE WERE accumulations on my car and such. It was fucking weird.
Then I realized that what everyone says about wearing shorts one day and wearing your winter coat the next in Michigan is really quite true. Then I also realized that I need to start dating again!?!!??!!!
I hope everyone has a great fucking day, smiles lots, and realizes that life is full of stupid retarded stuff, so enjoy what good times you can get!
I got new ink last Wednesday.
Ohio is the reason:

Comment and tell me something exciting, fun, or interesting....
whiskey has become my friend
Then I realized that what everyone says about wearing shorts one day and wearing your winter coat the next in Michigan is really quite true. Then I also realized that I need to start dating again!?!!??!!!
I hope everyone has a great fucking day, smiles lots, and realizes that life is full of stupid retarded stuff, so enjoy what good times you can get!
I got new ink last Wednesday.
Ohio is the reason:

Comment and tell me something exciting, fun, or interesting....

whiskey has become my friend
Can you tell that I've written too many scientific papers and aced chemistry in high school.
Still the King Philip thing is bloody good.