New Blog for a new day (or night).
From now on, I am going to try hard to just Chillax!
Chill and Relax.
What happens is going to happen no matter why worry and stress over it all?
Just gonna roll with the punches I guess.
I would like to start doing more fun things with my life though.
Any suggestions? Going to the Dirty show was way rad!
The only drawback is I work most weekends....
Think of something fun for thejeff to do!
From now on, I am going to try hard to just Chillax!
Chill and Relax.
What happens is going to happen no matter why worry and stress over it all?
Just gonna roll with the punches I guess.
I would like to start doing more fun things with my life though.
Any suggestions? Going to the Dirty show was way rad!
The only drawback is I work most weekends....
Think of something fun for thejeff to do!

I was just going to say what Meow just said

what if napoleon had said that? would we have a france, or a military, or canned foods? probably not. get some initiative Jeff, start a brew and view at your house or something start blowing glass. chicks love glass (drugs not stoner "pieces").