The punk rock version of me from High School would totally kick my ass now that I am at the age of 30.
With that said I need to get some sleep and then figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my life tomorrow.
Fuck it, who am I kidding. I am just gonna drink PBRs and play video games all day....
With that said I need to get some sleep and then figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my life tomorrow.
Fuck it, who am I kidding. I am just gonna drink PBRs and play video games all day....

Split speed limits are ALWAYS complete bullshit. The legitimate studies show that there are LESS accidents when all traffic has the same speed limit. Splits only encourage more car-truck interaction. And anyone buying into that environmental reasoning is a moron. The only way to address that problem IS already being done... the development of cleaner burning engines and fuel.
In fact, not many people are (yet) buying 2007 model year trucks because they are required to have the new engines. The problem is, they can't burn ordinary diesel fuel now being sold everywhere. They need special ultra-low-sulfur flavor. Which is fine, except that nobody has it. Haha...