I buy music memorabilia, mostly from the 70s & 80s,
but recently a friend of mine turned me on to a contemporary artist who has broken the mold of the Kozik-influenced poster style.
Her name is Tara McPherson.
She's not an unknown artist, by any means,
but I haven't seen her music poster work until now.
Check out some samples of her artwork here,
and... Read More
not only are many fun or funny, but they are often really beautifully made. i would love to have some kind of clue how the heck people make such art from nothing. i couldn't even begin, and I'm supposed to be an nice designer
Hey everyone, it's been a while since the last update...anyway, here I' am.
Work sucks, I have no job at all, but i gonna have 4 in the nex week, so, i will be whit no free time..
I have no more camera it broken, so I don't have pics, actually I think this update is just to say I'm alive...
wuajaj xenos te baneo el clon? puta q son atacados estos weones en tamtem..lo q pasa es q como no tienen na q hacer no encuentran nada mejor q crear reglas weonas pa q su vida foristica tenga "un pokito mas de accion""
seria lo mejor para apalear el invierno que se avecina por aca