I am just so f*&*ing tired of always being board at home on my time off because my socalled friends only really want to hangout when it something they orgianlly wanted to do and the happend to invite me. Don't get tme wrong I now I should try and ask then to go hang out with me but whats the point when I already know they will say no or it just something they cannot do any more because there maried. I jsut want a small group of friend that will go out to he bars or night clubs with me once in while to blow off so steam. Or go to event like the Dirty show in Detroit or @blackheartburlesque. So if anyone want to gane a new friend hit a guy up if you ever near the Ohio Michigan border.
More Blogs
Whats up my Friends it has been a long time. been hard at work in a… -
hello my friends in the SG world, Sorry that i haven't blogged i… -
hey whats up
Sorry my friends from the SG world about not posting in a couple of… -
Spring Break
Well what can I say. It was to short and not to worm. But even th… -
Hello my friends of the SG Universe, Just started my spring brea… -
Whats up SG World
Hello my friends of the SG Universe. I has been a while scene my la… -
THanksgiveing weekend
I had a much need break from University life. Had blast seeing all… -
What a great Thee day weekend
hello my Friends from the SG universe. Beside losing my debit… -
I can't wait to go to the Blackheart Brulesque tomorrow night!!!!!…