OK, I think the entertainment world needs to declare a moratorium on shticks about people thinking sushi is wierd. Perhaps 20 years ago only the most cosmopolitan of urbanites was familiar with the raw fish & rice thing, but now everybody who lives in a city, and most people who don't, are familiar with it and even if they don't like it they won't wig out about it. So... unless you establish that the character is has lived their whole life in Butcher Holler, Kentucky, or some such, then don't have them get all Jerry Lewis over the thought of consuming raw fish.
C'mon Hollywood, it's a cultural joke whose moment has passed! Get with the program here.
In the same vein, I recall from "Lost In Translation" that in one of those montages of Bill Murray getting all culture-shocky over things things in japan, there's a bit with him having a "Jane! Stop this craaaazy thing!" moment on one of those elliptical exercise machines. Same thing, people! He's a Hollywood actor, the man must have seen an elliptical before for god sakes!
OK, I'm done now. In other news, I'm finally back in Portland and I have a cold. What's up with you?
C'mon Hollywood, it's a cultural joke whose moment has passed! Get with the program here.
In the same vein, I recall from "Lost In Translation" that in one of those montages of Bill Murray getting all culture-shocky over things things in japan, there's a bit with him having a "Jane! Stop this craaaazy thing!" moment on one of those elliptical exercise machines. Same thing, people! He's a Hollywood actor, the man must have seen an elliptical before for god sakes!
OK, I'm done now. In other news, I'm finally back in Portland and I have a cold. What's up with you?
My kitty is stupid but I am rocking school. THat's pretty much it.
Anime club is fun. We get club money to watch cartoons.