Gah, I'm so out of sorts today. Slept terribly last night and I've just felt... off all day. No good reason for it as far as I can tell. Truth is I've been off for the last week or two, mentally/emotionally speaking. Not terrible, but y'know not great either. (A good clue is when I start posting multiple Elliott Smith videos--that always augurs badly for my mental state.) I may talk about that in some other post.
However, as long as I'm out of sorts let me bitch about this. My brother's 15 year-old son friended me on Facebook, which I put off accepting for a few months. Not even because I think he'd be a bother or would be particularly corrupted by anything I put on FB, but I just felt funny about opening the floodgates of information about my life to my nephew. Anyhow, he's a very cool kid so eventually i accepted him. But of course now his 7 year-old sister, my niece, friends me on it.
No, no, no, no no freakin' no! Not only do I not want to tone down my posts to what would be acceptable to for my niece to see, but damn it I just don't want to interact with 7 year-olds on Facebook. Maybe it makes me an asshole, but I just don't care what kids have to say about the minutae of their days or their favorite episode of Yo Gabba Gabba or whatever! Not to mention I already get enough of those damn Farmville things already.
What I post on FB is certainly toned down from what I post on here, but nonetheless I want to be able to keep my comments to people who are, more or less, my peers. Admittedly people I think of as my peers have a pretty big age range at this point in my life, but still. I don't want to friend my parents, their friends, my underage relatives or (by and large) the parents of my friends. Sheesh.
In good news, I'm proud to say I'm now the owner of an actual, working, adult-type car. Meet my new ride, a 2000 Cadillac Catera:

It's not like the big '70s boats I used to drive in Portland, but it has the virtues of being vaguely parkable in LA and getting twice the mpg of any car I've previously owned. Plus, sun roof!
That's all for now. I leave you with the ever-moody music of Daniel Knox. Special kudos to any of my Chicago peeps who can spot which bar this was filmed in. Later, kids.
However, as long as I'm out of sorts let me bitch about this. My brother's 15 year-old son friended me on Facebook, which I put off accepting for a few months. Not even because I think he'd be a bother or would be particularly corrupted by anything I put on FB, but I just felt funny about opening the floodgates of information about my life to my nephew. Anyhow, he's a very cool kid so eventually i accepted him. But of course now his 7 year-old sister, my niece, friends me on it.
No, no, no, no no freakin' no! Not only do I not want to tone down my posts to what would be acceptable to for my niece to see, but damn it I just don't want to interact with 7 year-olds on Facebook. Maybe it makes me an asshole, but I just don't care what kids have to say about the minutae of their days or their favorite episode of Yo Gabba Gabba or whatever! Not to mention I already get enough of those damn Farmville things already.
What I post on FB is certainly toned down from what I post on here, but nonetheless I want to be able to keep my comments to people who are, more or less, my peers. Admittedly people I think of as my peers have a pretty big age range at this point in my life, but still. I don't want to friend my parents, their friends, my underage relatives or (by and large) the parents of my friends. Sheesh.
In good news, I'm proud to say I'm now the owner of an actual, working, adult-type car. Meet my new ride, a 2000 Cadillac Catera:

It's not like the big '70s boats I used to drive in Portland, but it has the virtues of being vaguely parkable in LA and getting twice the mpg of any car I've previously owned. Plus, sun roof!
That's all for now. I leave you with the ever-moody music of Daniel Knox. Special kudos to any of my Chicago peeps who can spot which bar this was filmed in. Later, kids.
You silly twat - change your settings so they can't see anything you post then let the depravity flow!
I only berate the ones I love.