Note to self: never listen to what brain has to say at 5 in the morning when I can't back to sleep. It's generally depressing.
In two weeks I'm heading to L.A. to visit various friends there, and then head to Portland to soak in a few days of sunny bohemian laziness. In the meantime, I'm tryng to get carpe some fucking diem career wise, including going to auditions and sending bunches of people my headshots and vo cds. Man I gotta get in another show soon as I think I'm starting to suffer lethargy from lack of opportunities to make a fool of myself in public. (Need applause! Must... make... everyone... love me!)
I thought I would belatedly post a photo I really love from SG Prom last May. It's myself and my close, personal friend Nixon. This pic makes me happy.
And it also makes me want to shake my fist at the sky in anger! At myself, that is--becuase I wore the lovely red velvet smoking jacket in this photo to prom, and then left it in the cab returning to Chicago. Fuck me, that was stupid! I hate losing vintage clothes--that's one item I'll probably never find a replacement for. Damn my forgetful ways!
In two weeks I'm heading to L.A. to visit various friends there, and then head to Portland to soak in a few days of sunny bohemian laziness. In the meantime, I'm tryng to get carpe some fucking diem career wise, including going to auditions and sending bunches of people my headshots and vo cds. Man I gotta get in another show soon as I think I'm starting to suffer lethargy from lack of opportunities to make a fool of myself in public. (Need applause! Must... make... everyone... love me!)
I thought I would belatedly post a photo I really love from SG Prom last May. It's myself and my close, personal friend Nixon. This pic makes me happy.
And it also makes me want to shake my fist at the sky in anger! At myself, that is--becuase I wore the lovely red velvet smoking jacket in this photo to prom, and then left it in the cab returning to Chicago. Fuck me, that was stupid! I hate losing vintage clothes--that's one item I'll probably never find a replacement for. Damn my forgetful ways!
Portland is soooo close to vancouver like 6-7 hours!