Today I'm supposed to go to the range and shoot guns with my brother. I hate guns, but I like my brother. I have to admit I'm a pretty good shot, and I have the Baltimore City Police Department to thank for it.
Then I'm supposed to go visit a friend's grandmother in the hospital.
Then my husband and I are going to dinner at the home of one of his former patients, which should be interesting. He says this woman is sort of jealous of our "glamorous" life, which makes me think she needs to go back to seeing a psychiatrist! Sheeeit. She can have our "glamorous" mortgage payment!!!
Then I'm supposed to go visit a friend's grandmother in the hospital.
Then my husband and I are going to dinner at the home of one of his former patients, which should be interesting. He says this woman is sort of jealous of our "glamorous" life, which makes me think she needs to go back to seeing a psychiatrist! Sheeeit. She can have our "glamorous" mortgage payment!!!
Thanks for the comment. Can't find much to come home to, but nothing here either. Very bad day today, may post something about , but I know it won't help. Nice to meet another Kurosawa fan though....................

Sounds like a pretty fun filled day
Oh darling I have been working so much I have no time for fun is sad about that
I want to come see you so bad...I have a gift for you as well...I am leaving for Palm Springs, Ca for 4 wonderful days in October...then we are moving to the new house the weekend after we get sometime after that would be good. It seems so far away but if I have some time off before then I will let you know cause I am dying to meet you
I love going out target shooting...I am not a huge fan of guns but I do enough shooting the hell out of a paper target...relieves stress...but so does sex
I am to tired for even sex...isn't that just awful...horny as I don't know what but as soon as I hit the bed I am snoring
Oh well I got myself some vitamins and that should help...well I am rambeling with you later sweetie. Kisses to you