I'm on my way to a gravestone unveiling, and then on to southern Maryland to look after the cats at my sister's no-kill kitty shelter. After all the little furpersons are given fresh food and water and I've freshened their restrooms, I go to visit my parents. After I get home I'm meeting with the ladies in my belly dance class to practice our shimmyshimmy, and then it's time to work out and watch a movie with my darling husband, who is coming home from Richmond just to see me.
Happy Birthday to 666Monkey and Windy!
Happy Birthday to 666Monkey and Windy!
me too...I am sooo excited...I had a good day...got lots of presents, new hair do, and now I'm having a drink and relaxing on the couch. How is the hubby? I know you missed him a lot.
good night my beautiful red head beauty...enjoy cuddling with the hubby