So we are in the third night of 2015, which means I have been 31 for three whole days now. I don't feel any different, really. I have been in a bit of a funk though, as most of you know I recently moved to Denver, Co and that is 1900 miles away from all my friends and family. This was the first year that I have not been around them for the Holidays and my birthday. It is harder than I thought it would be. This whole move has been like a roller coaster for me emotionally. One day I am fine and the next I just want to stay in bed and cry all day. I know it is because I am so far away from the ones that I care most about. Some of them will read this post, so guess what I miss you and love your faces and you guys need to come visit me in Denver and Soon!
I have decided to make 2015 a year of action and patience. I have been known to do a lot of talking and not really trying to act on what I have talked about doing. Not this year. This year I am going to accomplish as much as I can and learn to have patience. I am not one known to have patience, but good things come to those who wait and I guess patience truly is a virtue. So yep wish me luck on that one, lol.
Well I think this is about all I have to say for now. Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year