So first I would like to apologize for slacking on the posting, I'm going to make an effort to post everyday.
I am feeling so much better now, that bug or whatever it was has disappeared and I am feeling so much better!
Summer classes have come to an end, but Fall classes start at the end of August and I am pretty excited about that.
Home life is going pretty great as well.
My set goes up in a couple weeks, pretty stoked about that! Can't wait! I am super proud of them.
I have been working on my sleeve recently. It is coming along well. Lillith Vain is doing some amazing art on my arm and when its done it is going to look AWESOME! Love her to pieces!!
I think that about sums things up for today. Going to go finish cooking dinner and eat. Probably catch up on some shows. Speaking of shows, Suits and Covert Affairs both air tonight! Yay I am in Heaven. Just thought I would share that as well.
Oh and thanks for reading my post.
I am feeling so much better now, that bug or whatever it was has disappeared and I am feeling so much better!
Summer classes have come to an end, but Fall classes start at the end of August and I am pretty excited about that.
Home life is going pretty great as well.
My set goes up in a couple weeks, pretty stoked about that! Can't wait! I am super proud of them.
I have been working on my sleeve recently. It is coming along well. Lillith Vain is doing some amazing art on my arm and when its done it is going to look AWESOME! Love her to pieces!!

I think that about sums things up for today. Going to go finish cooking dinner and eat. Probably catch up on some shows. Speaking of shows, Suits and Covert Affairs both air tonight! Yay I am in Heaven. Just thought I would share that as well.
Oh and thanks for reading my post.

Glad your feeling better. I bet your set will be sexy as hell. Looking forward to seeing it. Got any pics of your sleeve?