I am taking Introduction to Theater at HCC, I have to assignments that are due. The first was that I had to go and sit through a play and watch it closely to complete a 6 step critique on it. You know like the plot, the characters, the themes, the settings, the dialogue, and the movement. So I went and see Seven Homeless Mammoths. It was not what I was expecting but all in all it was not horrible. Could have been dull, lol. So I will get started on the two-page critique probably tomorrow. The other was a group assignment. I did something I never usually do, I waited til the last minute to do my portion of work. I was freaking out a little, went to class, none of the members in my group did their work. Thank god we get graded on our solo work and also on the group work. In the group assignment we got stuck with Angel In America: Millennium Approaches. Not really the worst play to get stuck with but not really the best. I am having issues with what they want me to do with my character. But I will get over that, and I have to push myself to do it soon. We go on Monday morning. UGH.
So enough of my ranting, how is everyone else's week going?
So enough of my ranting, how is everyone else's week going?
You're very sweet. Thanks hun.