I'm going to California this Wednesday for 5 days. It should be pretty fun. I get to see my Mom and other relatives down there. Hopefully the weather will be nice to me while I'm visiting. My grandma is turning 75 on thursday and we're all having a big grandma party! YAY GRANDMA PARTY! You can just imagine how out of control and wild that ought to be.
I hope I live for 75 years!
I really feel like a long, drawn out vacation on a deserted island.....but So Cal will have to suffice for now.
Hopefully someday soon I will recieve some sort of message that will let me know what the FUCK I'm doing on this globe anyway!! I'm just a tad puzzled by it all right now.
Life is weird.

I really feel like a long, drawn out vacation on a deserted island.....but So Cal will have to suffice for now.
Hopefully someday soon I will recieve some sort of message that will let me know what the FUCK I'm doing on this globe anyway!! I'm just a tad puzzled by it all right now.

Life is weird.
The ass pain goes away
I had to work after all. It was stupidly busy.
I think you are adorable.
The Nymphet martini is vanilla vodka, raspberry vodka and white grape juice with three craisins in the bottom. I invented it but I didn't copyright it.