After yesterday and me feeling like shit for not sleeping several days in a row i thought it best to take a pill. I went out like a light lol was all good woke at 10am and was ready to start my day.
11:20am i went to tell the scoial where they can stick that money
3:00pm photoshoot with Emma. Emma came over, we spoke a bit about old times about my photos then about what she wanted. After sevral Smokes later we got down to business (expecting her to want to do clothed photos first) she stripped! So yeah kewel lol, did some underware shots, she was impressed i was impressed so it was a winner
Off to Brighton on Friday to see Kara, poss see James and Eve too! I'll stay there a week so i'll be maxed out on the next journal entery haha.
Roll on April 29th I say with the next meet cant wait to see the guys again and some new faces
Love you alls xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now has anyone acctually woke up crying?
This morning I did. I'm going to tell you about a dream that I've had to make the next dream fit in:
Im on a road wheres theres lots of hilly feilds. For some reason i hear a baby babbling. Its invisable and is crawls under a gate and i run after it.
It crawls babbling away through this feild and then i catch up to it and it stops babbling and i feel around and i pick something up. Dont ask me how but its still invisable but it ends up being a dead pig (thats invisable) and i never find the child again.
Last night how ever during my 3 hours of sleep i dream the same thing only this time i find the baby and when i do it sings to me as i take it back through the feild. I'm so happy im crying talkin to it and thinking im going to look after it and stuff.
Then i notice someone coming towards ne and its the babys mum. She takes and i become really upset because i wanted the baby. When i woke up id been crying.
How fucked up is that?
11:20am i went to tell the scoial where they can stick that money

Off to Brighton on Friday to see Kara, poss see James and Eve too! I'll stay there a week so i'll be maxed out on the next journal entery haha.
Roll on April 29th I say with the next meet cant wait to see the guys again and some new faces

Love you alls xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Now has anyone acctually woke up crying?
This morning I did. I'm going to tell you about a dream that I've had to make the next dream fit in:
Im on a road wheres theres lots of hilly feilds. For some reason i hear a baby babbling. Its invisable and is crawls under a gate and i run after it.
It crawls babbling away through this feild and then i catch up to it and it stops babbling and i feel around and i pick something up. Dont ask me how but its still invisable but it ends up being a dead pig (thats invisable) and i never find the child again.
Last night how ever during my 3 hours of sleep i dream the same thing only this time i find the baby and when i do it sings to me as i take it back through the feild. I'm so happy im crying talkin to it and thinking im going to look after it and stuff.
Then i notice someone coming towards ne and its the babys mum. She takes and i become really upset because i wanted the baby. When i woke up id been crying.
How fucked up is that?