Should be a fun weekend, Eve has gone to her nan's to be with her mother and Stef has got the day off work
Im sure this winter is going to be the coldest ever, im not sure about having a 'white' christmas tho, I think thats a thing of the past.
We should be having Tyra round on friday and she may be bringing a friend, photos all round me thinks
My heads all itchy from the hair dye i hate it wen this hair dye does this!
Well im off to tidy up this flat and wait for my lens, later chumps
My lens got here woooo
just another one to go lol... and at last my website is up and running, its most just the back bone right now but with some text editing and a few bug fixes it will be done.

Im sure this winter is going to be the coldest ever, im not sure about having a 'white' christmas tho, I think thats a thing of the past.
We should be having Tyra round on friday and she may be bringing a friend, photos all round me thinks

My heads all itchy from the hair dye i hate it wen this hair dye does this!
Well im off to tidy up this flat and wait for my lens, later chumps
My lens got here woooo

Rather...can you sort some piccies out for me to put in my profile please hun???
Well it is and it isn't....*mwah*