Okay, so... To start with, I better begin to say I'm sorry to all my followers that I haven't posted a blog or anything alike on SG in way too long! But, hopefully this one will kinda make up for my lack of excitingness!
On 3rd September I went off on a trip from London St Pancreas, to Gordes in France, and well.. I was not expecting how much of a life changer it would be. After my trip away I genuinely felt as though I'd woken up as a person and as a model - in self confidence and just in my overall posing and being a happier person in general (apart from being bitten by about 378273 bugs!)
Let's begin the trip with the day before the travels, with my English girlies @indigo, @nayru and @lilymai. We all met up in London, and had a little pamper night with a gorgeous italian dinner, facials, hair dyes and gossip. This was the beginning of my little family, and despite spending many days together with these three gorgeous ladies, somehow we didn't get bored of one another.
@lilymai You'll always be my little kawaii anime girl, I'm so happy we got to shoot together with the amazing @lady, I'm sure they look cute af! Pretty sure any image you're in you look great, idk how you do it!
@indigo *Yoga song* Mouse ears, hand cuffs... That's all I need to say ;) Seriously though girl, you need to have more confidence in yourself, you're absolutely gorgeous and I would love to look even half as good as you do, your personality is to die for as well.
@nayru I miss your booby pillows and cuddles with @fishball at night! Sorry for pestering you whilst you were probably trying to sleep, but i'm really not sorry ;) I MISS YOU, I can't wait to see you all at BHB as well! Little reunion ahhh!
We had to wake up early on the Sunday morning to begin our travels into france with a 6 hour (YES 6 HOUR) train journey, where we played little drawing games, sudoku and random things alike for yes, as I say again... 6 hours D:
NOW, NEXT FAMILY MEMBER was the lovely @azazel who picked us up from the station all smiley, happy and friendly as she always was during the shootfest. We somehow (I don't know how) fit all our stuff into the car, being nicely (not nicely) squished together, and continued another hour onto our journey to the stunning house which we would stay the week at.
When I arrived, I met @clem , the absolutely beautiful lady who organised the whole shootfest, I was jaw-dropped as to how stunning she is in person and how even her photos don't do her justice (and that's saying a lot). She was amazing in organising everything, she was the little mama of the group and it wouldn't have been the same without her! I have to apologise though, for breaking your chair on the first day @clem ! (Yes, the bruise on my butt has appeared in a number of photo sets!)
@marlene, @mandeelou, @chinaski & @ayah were also there. Who to get started on?
@marlene You're so cute, and your body is literally perfection! I'm so happy I met you, I have to meet you again for sure miss! @mandeelou I'm so upset we didn't get to do our multi together, but hopefully next time I see you we can shoot and do some photos together, it'd be amazing! I can't wait to give you lots of hugs when I see you at the tattoo convention eee! You're so lovely and always have so much energy, making everyone around you feel happy baby. @chinaski damn you for letting me take your chair and then falling through it! ;) It was amazing meeting you, your English was so good! You made me really comfortable to shoot with you, and the images were awesome and playful yay! And @ayah I absolutely love my set with you, it's so cute and the lighting was perfect, can't wait to see it edited and put into the queue!
Now, the russian ladies, @avrora, @karanlit & @ivylina.
@avrora you left way too soon, we all really missed you when you left! Come to England okay? Gotta see your gorgeous face! @ivylina I'm so happy to have met you, your face and you as a person are so so nice, I still can't get over how you sound more english than we do despite being russian! Keep up being amazing my girl! And @karanlit If one day I turn pink, I would die to do a multi with you girl! It was amazing meeting you, and eating noodles together! <3
The italian girls @fishball, @bobonco & @mel_z
@mel_z I'm so so happy with the shot we took, I was worried beforehand because I hated my face that day, but somehow you managed to make my face and body look so good - are you magic? It was lovely meeting you missy! @bobonco your body is to diiiie for I swear, you're so tall and just wow, as well as being so funny :') "The wild bobonco" will not be forgotten! ;) @fishball I had literally looked up to you so much, so meeting you was absolutely insane for me. You're personality is just as good as your looks, you made me laugh so much, and idk how you're so good at photography, makeup and modelling! I can't wait to see you again when you come to England - I need more twerking lessons from you!
Little spanish @saria you're so cuteeeee! I'm so jealous of how good you look even in braces! After the little previews I've seen of the set you shot of me too, I melted, I love them too much - even though I was wearing very minimal makeup you made me look like such a doll, you're so so talented, I hope I can shoot with you again one day! I'll be sure to come to spain and say hi <3
The americans @lady and @smashbase I'm so lucky to have shot with you both, you as a couple are literally goals as well. When you both arrived you straight away joined the family and we all loved you both so much. The sets I shot with both you @lady and @smashbase will be amazing, I just know it and I'm so so excited to see them you can't even imagine. And I loved perving over the other girls doing their cake sets with you @lady. It was so cute when you cried when you were going, I'm sure it made everyone melt, and you both were missed so much!
I really have to thank you a hella lot as well @lady as I think after talking with you for a couple hours about lady parts and insecurities you have made me feel so much more confident and to try and take baby steps into changing my mentality. Thank you so much <3
And @coolicio, it was amazing to finally meet you, I'd heard from other people how amazing you are to shoot with and how great your photography was and I was not disappointed whatsoever, you live sooo far away which is a shame but hopefully, maybe at another shootfest of something I'll be able to shoot with you again (hopefully by that time I'm pink as well).
And last but not least @miss_mystie it was amazing meeting you, even though you were there for no time at all you were really friendly and fit right in, i bet the sets that were taken of you turn you pink you gorgeous little thing.
Wow, so, I think that was everyone! Literally though, during the time we were in France it genuinely became a little family, I can't believe I had this kind of experience, and I don't think anyone wanted to leave whatsoever after being together for that time and experiencing the amazing memories which we did. I have to thank you @sean and @missy for bringing together this Suicidegirls family - I wouldn't have met all these amazing people if this wasn't here. It's been a life changer for me.
NOW.. SPAM THE PHOTOS! I unfortunately don't have
Wow okay, now to give my fingers a rest from typing. Thank you for reading!