hello there internet boyfriends and girlfriends!
Today I added a new furry friend to my adoptive family!
Ever since I adopted Quintin 3 months ago I've been on the lookout for a pal for him that was up for adoption in my area. There is this WONDERFUL site called Petfinder, where you can search any and all adoptable pets in your area! (Can+US). They list everything from birds to reptiles, cats and dogs, even horses and barnyard animals! There are ALWAYS thousands of animals in need of new homes, so if you are ever considering a new pet, please go with adoption!
Anywho, I'd been looking for a male rat available in my area for the last couple months, and over the weekend 5 brothers suddenly became available.
Apparently all 5 had been rescued from a hoarder on Christmas eve. When I got to the shelter I was happy to hear that 2 had already been adopted
I told them I was looking to adopt one and that he would be living with another rat. They were pleased to know he was going somewhere with another rat because the 5 seemed very sociable with one another and they did not want any adopted to be living solo. (They will adopt out the last 2 as a pair, like they did the other 2). I felt slightly sad I could not take him with his brothers, but I just don't have the room and supplies for all three.
So I brought him home and named him Rodriguez (or "Roddie" for short) and introduced him to Quintin. (Get it? Quintin [Tarantino] and [Robert] Rodriguez?! tee hee hee...)
He needed a bath desperately, so I gave him a tiny rat-sized bubble bath in the sink with vegan, biodegradable soap. He didn't seem to mind it at all!
Aside from one tiny scuffle this evening they seem to be getting along famously. I'm glad I could get Quintin some company and I hope Rodriguez is happy in his new home
So, without further adieu; here is Roddie! (He is the one on the left with the small grey smudge on his nose)
In other news, my health is still quite poor, and I have been frequenting the hospital a lot for injuries from falling during seizures and complications with my seizure disorder. With the stress of the holidaze being over now I am feeling a bit better and having fewer seizures, but I am still having 1-3 every 2-3 days.
Since none of the medications they put me on seemed to have any positive affects, and I am allergic to the 2 most prescribed anti-seizure medications I have now been weened off all the anti-seizure medication I was on. This is a huge relief, as I was taking 12 pills a day at one point, while feeling the adverse affects of being tired all the time and gaining weight, but was not having any fewer seizures. At least now I am more alert and able to function a little better without getting exhausted so easily.
My neurologist, my family doctor and I are working on finding new treatment and therapy to help curb the seizing. I saw specialists in London a couple months ago where they did extensive testing and through a video-recorded EEG test, and found that I was having both epileptic and non-epileptic seizures. They diagnosed me as having a disorder called PNES, or psychogenic non-epileptic seizure disorder. This means that hopefully with some specialized therapy I might be able to have fewer of the psychogenic seizures down the road. Unfortunately the only neuro-psychologist who specialized in this particular disorder moved out of the country last month, but I am still searching and getting referrals to other specialists who may be able to help.
Anywho, enough stuff about my crazy brain.
I'll leave you guys with a couple photos now.
The first by the ever talented Elara Josephine Blair
This is a picture of my two kitties Spazzy and Sgt. Pepper that my friend Angus drew up for me!
Check out his art page HERE!!!!
I got said kitties tattooed on my tummy for my birthday back in October!
This was done my a fellow cat-lover friend of mine, Angie Fey. You can check out her work HERE!!!
And for my last photo I give you this;
The only upside to all the weight I've gained with the anti-seizure meds is BIGGER BOOBS!!! And who doesn't love THAT, amiright?!
Sooo, I am off for now.
If you ever wanna ask me a question, feel free to ask me anything on my formspring
Orrr... if you're feelin' extra sweet and perhaps decide to send me a lil' siezure-free surprise... here is my "feel better wishlist"
If you send me something, please include your address and I will send you back a postcard!
Love love love
Today I added a new furry friend to my adoptive family!
Ever since I adopted Quintin 3 months ago I've been on the lookout for a pal for him that was up for adoption in my area. There is this WONDERFUL site called Petfinder, where you can search any and all adoptable pets in your area! (Can+US). They list everything from birds to reptiles, cats and dogs, even horses and barnyard animals! There are ALWAYS thousands of animals in need of new homes, so if you are ever considering a new pet, please go with adoption!

Anywho, I'd been looking for a male rat available in my area for the last couple months, and over the weekend 5 brothers suddenly became available.
Apparently all 5 had been rescued from a hoarder on Christmas eve. When I got to the shelter I was happy to hear that 2 had already been adopted

So I brought him home and named him Rodriguez (or "Roddie" for short) and introduced him to Quintin. (Get it? Quintin [Tarantino] and [Robert] Rodriguez?! tee hee hee...)
He needed a bath desperately, so I gave him a tiny rat-sized bubble bath in the sink with vegan, biodegradable soap. He didn't seem to mind it at all!
Aside from one tiny scuffle this evening they seem to be getting along famously. I'm glad I could get Quintin some company and I hope Rodriguez is happy in his new home

So, without further adieu; here is Roddie! (He is the one on the left with the small grey smudge on his nose)

In other news, my health is still quite poor, and I have been frequenting the hospital a lot for injuries from falling during seizures and complications with my seizure disorder. With the stress of the holidaze being over now I am feeling a bit better and having fewer seizures, but I am still having 1-3 every 2-3 days.
Since none of the medications they put me on seemed to have any positive affects, and I am allergic to the 2 most prescribed anti-seizure medications I have now been weened off all the anti-seizure medication I was on. This is a huge relief, as I was taking 12 pills a day at one point, while feeling the adverse affects of being tired all the time and gaining weight, but was not having any fewer seizures. At least now I am more alert and able to function a little better without getting exhausted so easily.
My neurologist, my family doctor and I are working on finding new treatment and therapy to help curb the seizing. I saw specialists in London a couple months ago where they did extensive testing and through a video-recorded EEG test, and found that I was having both epileptic and non-epileptic seizures. They diagnosed me as having a disorder called PNES, or psychogenic non-epileptic seizure disorder. This means that hopefully with some specialized therapy I might be able to have fewer of the psychogenic seizures down the road. Unfortunately the only neuro-psychologist who specialized in this particular disorder moved out of the country last month, but I am still searching and getting referrals to other specialists who may be able to help.
Anywho, enough stuff about my crazy brain.
I'll leave you guys with a couple photos now.
The first by the ever talented Elara Josephine Blair

This is a picture of my two kitties Spazzy and Sgt. Pepper that my friend Angus drew up for me!

Check out his art page HERE!!!!
I got said kitties tattooed on my tummy for my birthday back in October!

This was done my a fellow cat-lover friend of mine, Angie Fey. You can check out her work HERE!!!
And for my last photo I give you this;

The only upside to all the weight I've gained with the anti-seizure meds is BIGGER BOOBS!!! And who doesn't love THAT, amiright?!
Sooo, I am off for now.
If you ever wanna ask me a question, feel free to ask me anything on my formspring
Orrr... if you're feelin' extra sweet and perhaps decide to send me a lil' siezure-free surprise... here is my "feel better wishlist"

If you send me something, please include your address and I will send you back a postcard!
Love love love
lady lazarus