Brand new bligaddy-blog.
Hey there my internet boyfriends and girlfriends.
So it has been a few months, and is time for an update.
I have some fantastic news:
As of 2 weeks ago I was finally approved for Ontario Social Assisstance. (This is along the same lines as what the States has as welfare.) This was a very long and arduous process with a lot of beaurocratic red tape and hurdles to surpass, but after 5 months I am finally recieving financial assistance, since I am unable to work due to my epilepsy.
This is my first step on the way to disability and I could not feel more blessed to be living in such an incredible country where assisstance to those in need is offered.
Although the amount I will be recieving monthly will be a challenge to budget while living in the most expensice city in Canada, it is still a massive weight off both mine and my family's shoulders. The greatest thing about my assisstance is that I will now have medical coverage for many of my numerous and VERY expensive medications. Until now I was paying nearly $600/month on medications, and this financial burden was resting solely on my parents, as I am still unfortunately in no condition to work.
So yay yay yaaay!!!

I am feeling good these days, but my health is still rather unpredictable. I went nearly 3 months without a seizure. Then, 3 weeks ago I had 4 seizures in 5 days and landed myself back in the hospital after a serious concussion during a seizure in my parents' bathroom, where I also punctured myself above my right eye with a pair of tweezers when I fell.
Luckily, despite how much it bled, the cut only required external sutchers, and I was left with a black eye and small, barely noticable scar.
Anywho, that is the current state of my health and progress for those of you who have been so sweet to keep me in your thoughs and have been asking about me.

Thank you so much for everyone for their love and support and pressies!!! You guys are amazing.
Okay, onto happier subjects...
My sister had her baby!!!
Introducing my perfect, beautiful little neice; Kathryn Elizabeth Sirek.
She could not be more perfect <3

She is 2.5 months old now and growing like a weed! Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen and she smiles non stop

Unfortunately because of my condition I am not able to hold the baby while standing, or watch her on my own, but I don't mind cuddling with the little one on the floor or bed

And now: photo purge.
My ladyfriend and I at the Feminist Porn Awards

Behind the scenes at the American Hell video shoot for 'Zero'

And here is the video:
I play the ring girl

Modeling with The Keyhole Sessions

Modeling for A Flock Of Murder clothing + accessories (shot by the lovely Elara

Did an Easter cam show with Elara

And modeled at this year's Torture Garden for Kink Engineering and Ego Assassin!!!

(the latex fishnets were REALLY hard to get on!!!)

Sooo... that's what's been up with nymph these days.
Some good, some bad, but all very interesting.
Anywho, I'm off to the doctor's.
love love love
plz marry me
when i was in undergrad i loved reading up on diffent brain anomalies which often included seizures. analyzing the foci location and recruitment patterns was interesting. hope your symptoms arent that bad.