Hello my internet boyfriends and girlfriends.
I do not have the mindset to write an extensive blog at the moment, but I just wanted to convey a quick update to everyone out there in interwebland on my current health status and progress.
First of all, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words and well-wishes. This has been a very frightening and someewhat depressing time for me, and your encouragement and get-well gifts from my "get well wishlist" have been small rays of sunshine through the clouds I am navigating though at the moment.
A special thanks to Pops1231 for sending me a dvd of my favourite band!!! (I watched it today and LOVED it!!!)
These last few months since I got sick have been very hard.
I am working with my neurologist to find the suitible perscription and balanced dosage of anti seizure medication, in hopes of eliminating the grand mal episodes caused by scar tissue that has developed in my brain. We have yet to find a successful treatment, as I am still suffering from seizures and random, sudden losses of conciousness.
I was hospitalized again last Friday after having three consecutive 30-second seizures, without regaining conciousness in between. This was a first for me, and I also sustained some injuries from the fall.
On the brighter side of things I am trying to keep my head up and take things day by day. My biggest issue right now is money for rent and food, but one wonderful thing that happened this week was finding a roomate to move into my spare room. Cutting my rent in half will be a huge weight off my chest, even just having that one thing taken care of will make me feel better, so I am thankful for that.
In other "bright side" news my big sister is due to deliver her first child in 2.5 weeks!!! I am extatic to be an auntie and so eager to meet her!!! One good thing about being unemployed is that I will be able to stay with my sister for her first week with the baby to help with any and everything
I cannot even explain how excited I am!!!
Anywho, that's the reader's digest version of my life as of late. Thank you all again so much for your continuous love and support; it is good to know I am being thought of
Hope everyone out there in the interweb is doing well.
love love love
I do not have the mindset to write an extensive blog at the moment, but I just wanted to convey a quick update to everyone out there in interwebland on my current health status and progress.
First of all, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words and well-wishes. This has been a very frightening and someewhat depressing time for me, and your encouragement and get-well gifts from my "get well wishlist" have been small rays of sunshine through the clouds I am navigating though at the moment.
A special thanks to Pops1231 for sending me a dvd of my favourite band!!! (I watched it today and LOVED it!!!)
These last few months since I got sick have been very hard.
I am working with my neurologist to find the suitible perscription and balanced dosage of anti seizure medication, in hopes of eliminating the grand mal episodes caused by scar tissue that has developed in my brain. We have yet to find a successful treatment, as I am still suffering from seizures and random, sudden losses of conciousness.
I was hospitalized again last Friday after having three consecutive 30-second seizures, without regaining conciousness in between. This was a first for me, and I also sustained some injuries from the fall.
On the brighter side of things I am trying to keep my head up and take things day by day. My biggest issue right now is money for rent and food, but one wonderful thing that happened this week was finding a roomate to move into my spare room. Cutting my rent in half will be a huge weight off my chest, even just having that one thing taken care of will make me feel better, so I am thankful for that.
In other "bright side" news my big sister is due to deliver her first child in 2.5 weeks!!! I am extatic to be an auntie and so eager to meet her!!! One good thing about being unemployed is that I will be able to stay with my sister for her first week with the baby to help with any and everything

Anywho, that's the reader's digest version of my life as of late. Thank you all again so much for your continuous love and support; it is good to know I am being thought of

Hope everyone out there in the interweb is doing well.
love love love
I wish you all the best.
Sweet Nymph,,,,,new set please,,,,mhef