Alrighty boyfriends and girlfriends, here it is; my long long LOOONG overdue bloggery update!
First off I have made a discovery about myself; I straight up suck at keeping up with blogs.
True story.
...but you knew that.
Anywho, a lot has been up in the last few months... been working a lot, making new firends, gettin' my picture taken and hangin' out nekkid, and a bunch of general tom-foolery and douche-baggery.
Ginty is on tour right now (as always), currently making his way across North America with his band The Creepshow. He's been gone about 3.5 weeks now and will be home next Monday. Then he'll be home for another 3.5 and off to Europe for another month. It's been a looong haul and we are both very much looking forward to some time off after August. I miss my Ginty
I've been working a lot with Jagermeister, also as per usual. TONS of stuff coming up this summer including the North By NorthEast BBQ, Tragically Hip on Canada Day and plenty of trips around the province!
Aside from Jager I've also been modeling some. Not as much lately as usual, as I've been in a bit of a rut and generally pretty lethargic, but I've done a couple shows the last few months, including 2 IMAGOzine shows (one at Toronto's alternative fashion week, aka FAT, and a Lady Lucie/Jane Doe show at Torture Garden in Toronto.
Here's a taste!
Lady Lucy/Jane Doe @ Torture Garden:
I LOVED this outfit! It was 2 giant latex bows
This was my GIANT hair before they even put the synthetic in... this is all me baby!
This is a video of the whole fashion show:
And more modeling for your viewing pleasure...
(These flyers are ALL OVER Toronto! I keep fetting picture texts from everyone seeing my face on the streets lol)
Pictures from the Subspace Dungeon by miss Teri Cat
Myself and the stunning Dolores del Fuego at The Keyhole Sessions' X-LENS class
Various photos from The Keyhole Sessions' "Girls on Film IV
more pictures from Images in G

This one obviously isn't modeling but it's pretty epic none the less... it's me and my friend Jen Robot-Dance-Fucking. Jealous?
Speaking of Jen, you should all check out her band Unbelievers, cause they rock my box.
Oh look, a video! You should totally watch it
Okay, what else... what else...
Oh! Last weekend was SG Canada East's annual gala! The lovely miss Atlea stayed with me and I got to hang with her for 2 whole days! It was bliss
Before gala at Rancho Relaxo I had a bit of a pre-party at my place with a bunch of people I had much needed catch-up time long overdue. I was so very happy to see Shaine, Archie and of course my lover Renna once again, I missed my SG lovelies!
(It was also awesome seeing Sphinx, but I see that gurl's fyyyne ass all the time
Here is a picture with me and my 3 dates Atlea, and my friends Chris and Jordon. The theme for the night was "Canadiana", so I was wearing a mountie costume
Gala was awesomesauce as always and I had a blastyblast
Okay, one last piece of LATE BREAKING NEWS for this bloggidy-blog.
Here it is...
Are you ready???
I have a new set coming out THIS SATURDAY, June 18th!!!
It is called Wednesday's Child and was shot by the ever so awesome Shazzy.
Be sure to comment on it, leave me some love and help me get my first set bought in over a year!
Here's a sneak preview:
Okay SGland, there it is! My super duper update!
over and out *beep beep*
love you
First off I have made a discovery about myself; I straight up suck at keeping up with blogs.
True story.
...but you knew that.
Anywho, a lot has been up in the last few months... been working a lot, making new firends, gettin' my picture taken and hangin' out nekkid, and a bunch of general tom-foolery and douche-baggery.
Ginty is on tour right now (as always), currently making his way across North America with his band The Creepshow. He's been gone about 3.5 weeks now and will be home next Monday. Then he'll be home for another 3.5 and off to Europe for another month. It's been a looong haul and we are both very much looking forward to some time off after August. I miss my Ginty

I've been working a lot with Jagermeister, also as per usual. TONS of stuff coming up this summer including the North By NorthEast BBQ, Tragically Hip on Canada Day and plenty of trips around the province!
Aside from Jager I've also been modeling some. Not as much lately as usual, as I've been in a bit of a rut and generally pretty lethargic, but I've done a couple shows the last few months, including 2 IMAGOzine shows (one at Toronto's alternative fashion week, aka FAT, and a Lady Lucie/Jane Doe show at Torture Garden in Toronto.
Here's a taste!

Lady Lucy/Jane Doe @ Torture Garden:
I LOVED this outfit! It was 2 giant latex bows

This was my GIANT hair before they even put the synthetic in... this is all me baby!

This is a video of the whole fashion show:
And more modeling for your viewing pleasure...

Pictures from the Subspace Dungeon by miss Teri Cat

Myself and the stunning Dolores del Fuego at The Keyhole Sessions' X-LENS class

Various photos from The Keyhole Sessions' "Girls on Film IV

more pictures from Images in G

This one obviously isn't modeling but it's pretty epic none the less... it's me and my friend Jen Robot-Dance-Fucking. Jealous?

Speaking of Jen, you should all check out her band Unbelievers, cause they rock my box.
Oh look, a video! You should totally watch it

Okay, what else... what else...
Oh! Last weekend was SG Canada East's annual gala! The lovely miss Atlea stayed with me and I got to hang with her for 2 whole days! It was bliss

Before gala at Rancho Relaxo I had a bit of a pre-party at my place with a bunch of people I had much needed catch-up time long overdue. I was so very happy to see Shaine, Archie and of course my lover Renna once again, I missed my SG lovelies!

Here is a picture with me and my 3 dates Atlea, and my friends Chris and Jordon. The theme for the night was "Canadiana", so I was wearing a mountie costume

Gala was awesomesauce as always and I had a blastyblast

Okay, one last piece of LATE BREAKING NEWS for this bloggidy-blog.
Here it is...
Are you ready???
I have a new set coming out THIS SATURDAY, June 18th!!!
It is called Wednesday's Child and was shot by the ever so awesome Shazzy.
Be sure to comment on it, leave me some love and help me get my first set bought in over a year!
Here's a sneak preview:

Okay SGland, there it is! My super duper update!
over and out *beep beep*
love you
Loved your new set!
You're so beautiful