Ugh, don't you hate it when you're half way through a freakin' blog and your computer just decides to all of a sudden restart; scrapping everything you've just spent the last 40 minutes writing and uploading?
Anywho, hello to all my internet boyfriends and girlfriends out there in internetland.
As much as not having internet at my place is a bit of an inconvenience, and as much as I miss this site and all my other guilty plessures, being disconnected from the world wide obsession and cable TV has actually been kind of liberating! I have been reading so much more since I moved out...
This past week I went on a bit of a literature spluge at Indigo, and a wicked little second hand bookstore I stumbled upon in Toronto. The first book I read was Skinny Bitch.

Shazzy and Renna have been telling me the glory of this book for a year, and I finished it in one day.
Whether you're looking to lose weight or not, this book is a MECCA of information and infinite wisdom when it comes to how food goes from farm to plate and just what kinds of chemical crap we're stuffing our faces with every day.
EVERYONE and their cousins should read this book. It got me to really consider just what I am putting into my body every time I eat, and how it will make me feel/react. I especially recommend this book to all my vegan bros and hoes, since the book is packed with organic, vegan resources and food suggestions.
Seriously; go read it.
Go love it.
Go pass it on.
Following this beaut, I bought and re-read Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters.

I hadn't read it since I was 17, so it was like a brand new story! I loved it just as much the second time around.
Apparently, according to, there is a movie in production, based on the book. Jessica Beil is rumoured to be playing the main character. I am eager to see how the adaptation will turn out, but also a tad worried that Hollywood may ruin one of my favorite books.

I finished Invisible Monsters last night when I couldn't sleep and started on my next scolastic adventure today with another re-read, Go Ask Alice

This is the published real-life diary of an annonymous 15 year old girl whose life spirals out of control when she enters a world of drugs and addiction. Again, it's been years since I first read it, so I'm enjoying the story all over again.
Aside from these, I bought Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake, Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a coffeetable book of "rare archives" of Marilyn Monroe and Darcey Steinke's Suicide Blonde. I've been on such a literature binge lately, and I hope it doesn't stop when I eventually get internet again.
Sooo... what else is new?
I have a new set in review, Bend it Like Nymph, where I show off a bit of my contortionism skills.
...skills like this:

and this...

and this.

Please go check it out and leave me some love, if you like what you see and want to see more
There are plenty more sexy sets in review right now, (including my last set, Slick) and these lovely ladies:
Renna's Offset

Atlea's Petite Coquette

and Archie's Touring the Facility

...aren't my friends total babes???
In other news, me and my good friend Fynx are planning a modelling trip to NYC from August 30th-September 4th. We are hoping to just have our trip expenses covered, and get a chance to work with some new photographers. If any of you reading this are in the NYC area and are
a) a photographer interested in shooting me/her/us
b) willing to have our broke asses crash on your couch/floor
let me know, cause it'd be greatly appreciated!
Okay, well I think that's all for now in the world of nymph...
nighty night my online lovers!

love love love
ps: ask me about my dirty little secrets...
Anywho, hello to all my internet boyfriends and girlfriends out there in internetland.
As much as not having internet at my place is a bit of an inconvenience, and as much as I miss this site and all my other guilty plessures, being disconnected from the world wide obsession and cable TV has actually been kind of liberating! I have been reading so much more since I moved out...
This past week I went on a bit of a literature spluge at Indigo, and a wicked little second hand bookstore I stumbled upon in Toronto. The first book I read was Skinny Bitch.

Shazzy and Renna have been telling me the glory of this book for a year, and I finished it in one day.
Whether you're looking to lose weight or not, this book is a MECCA of information and infinite wisdom when it comes to how food goes from farm to plate and just what kinds of chemical crap we're stuffing our faces with every day.
EVERYONE and their cousins should read this book. It got me to really consider just what I am putting into my body every time I eat, and how it will make me feel/react. I especially recommend this book to all my vegan bros and hoes, since the book is packed with organic, vegan resources and food suggestions.
Seriously; go read it.
Go love it.
Go pass it on.
Following this beaut, I bought and re-read Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters.

I hadn't read it since I was 17, so it was like a brand new story! I loved it just as much the second time around.
Apparently, according to, there is a movie in production, based on the book. Jessica Beil is rumoured to be playing the main character. I am eager to see how the adaptation will turn out, but also a tad worried that Hollywood may ruin one of my favorite books.

I finished Invisible Monsters last night when I couldn't sleep and started on my next scolastic adventure today with another re-read, Go Ask Alice

This is the published real-life diary of an annonymous 15 year old girl whose life spirals out of control when she enters a world of drugs and addiction. Again, it's been years since I first read it, so I'm enjoying the story all over again.
Aside from these, I bought Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake, Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a coffeetable book of "rare archives" of Marilyn Monroe and Darcey Steinke's Suicide Blonde. I've been on such a literature binge lately, and I hope it doesn't stop when I eventually get internet again.
Sooo... what else is new?
I have a new set in review, Bend it Like Nymph, where I show off a bit of my contortionism skills.
...skills like this:

and this...

and this.

Please go check it out and leave me some love, if you like what you see and want to see more
There are plenty more sexy sets in review right now, (including my last set, Slick) and these lovely ladies:
Renna's Offset

Atlea's Petite Coquette

and Archie's Touring the Facility

...aren't my friends total babes???
In other news, me and my good friend Fynx are planning a modelling trip to NYC from August 30th-September 4th. We are hoping to just have our trip expenses covered, and get a chance to work with some new photographers. If any of you reading this are in the NYC area and are
a) a photographer interested in shooting me/her/us
b) willing to have our broke asses crash on your couch/floor
let me know, cause it'd be greatly appreciated!
Okay, well I think that's all for now in the world of nymph...
nighty night my online lovers!

love love love
ps: ask me about my dirty little secrets...
Doing this as a twofold with your more recent entry, have fun camping!