Internet boyfriends and girlfriends; I present to you...
I start my day with the usual; gettin up, gettin clean, gettin dressed, ect ect ect, before leaving for work.
Right before I head out the door I always say a goodbye to my babies Toby and Lucy.

They both look so adorably groggy in these pictures. (I interrupted their afternoon naps...)
Before I lock the door behind me I always call out "Bye babies, be good!" before leaving them reign of the house.
After leaving the furballs I stroll to the corner to wait for the bus. The Durham bus system is SHIT, as most suburban transit is, so I have to leave an hour before I start work, to make sure I can get somewhere that only takes 15 minutes to drive to. I could go on and on about the frustrating hatred I have towards the Durham transit system, but alas, I will continue with my day...

The bus was empty, as usual. (mostly due to the crappiness of the buses in Ajax, as expressed above...) This breaks my little tree-hugger heart a little.
So after a 15 minute walk from the bus station I arrive at my beloved second-hand store:

It's small, it's cluttered and everything we use in the means of technology (the computers, debit machine, phone...) is ANCIENT, but I love it, none the less.
My store!

Staff picks:

Right now my picks include Matt Good Hospital Music, The Pixies Death to the Pixies, Placebo Without You I'm Nothing and White Cowbell Oaklahoma Casa Diablo
This is Clayton. He's worked here forever and is the best to bitch to about our ridiculous customers.

He and I are 2 of the only 4 employees that work here. We're like a little, disfunctional, nerdy family
After spending a couple hours bagging DVDs and changing CD cases, I take a smoke break and a little stroll to the convenience store, two doors over in our plaza.
Once there, I induldge in a couple of my dirty little loves...
Jones soda:

I bought this one because it has a cute puppy on it. There was also one with a picture of Barak Oboma on it called "ORANGE-you-glad-for-change-SODA". Hilarious.
Different amateur photos on every bottle isn't the only awesome thing about Jones Soda; it also has a fortune under the cap!

I don;t know if you can read it, buit it says "find a pen-pal"... I miss having pen pals! I used to write letters all the time! SO much better than emails., um, does anyone out there wanna be my pen-pal?
Another dirty little love: Sherlock Holmes scratch cards.

I don't know what it is about these!!! I was never into scratch cards, but after I saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie (by the way, it's in-fucking-credible) I spotted one of these when I was buying smokes and I bought one on a whim.
The first one I scratched I won 9 bucks, and I've been hooked ever since. Now every frickin' time I buy gas, smokes, a drink, ask for directions, WHATEVER, I buy one. Guh.
Anywho, this is me with today's card... NOT a winner.

Then it's back to work. The 2 greatest things about my job are:
1) I can count on 2 hands the number of times I've actually seen my boss. When I come in, we have an hour of overlay, then Clayton leaves and I have full reign. No pressure. So good.
2) I can grab whatever the hell I want off the shelf and listen to my favorite tunes all day. Listening to music I love is the one thing keeping me from killing some of the idiots that come into my store.
Whenever there is a lag in customers and the store is empty, I either put a "Back in 5 minutes" sign on the door, and go to the sushi place in the plaza (mmm, suuushiii...), or, in today's case, I grab my dinner from the fridge and mow-down before the store picks up again.

mmm... I loves me some salad!!!
Anywho, at 9pm I close up and I'm usually outta there by about 9:20-ish.
After work tonight I headed over to by best friend Chris' house, and played some Buzz Quiz on PS3 with him, his girlfriend, and our buddies Rob, Mike and Jordan.
Chris and Kourtney:

Buzz Quiz!

So, that was my day! Pretty lame, eh? In handsight I probably should have written a blog about a day where I actually do something interesting, and not just go to work... hmmm... oh well! Next time I guess
And now, I bid you all adieu from my waterbed Max, my bed-buddy Fredrique, and me!

Nighty night SG-land
nymph xoxoxo
I start my day with the usual; gettin up, gettin clean, gettin dressed, ect ect ect, before leaving for work.
Right before I head out the door I always say a goodbye to my babies Toby and Lucy.

They both look so adorably groggy in these pictures. (I interrupted their afternoon naps...)
Before I lock the door behind me I always call out "Bye babies, be good!" before leaving them reign of the house.
After leaving the furballs I stroll to the corner to wait for the bus. The Durham bus system is SHIT, as most suburban transit is, so I have to leave an hour before I start work, to make sure I can get somewhere that only takes 15 minutes to drive to. I could go on and on about the frustrating hatred I have towards the Durham transit system, but alas, I will continue with my day...

The bus was empty, as usual. (mostly due to the crappiness of the buses in Ajax, as expressed above...) This breaks my little tree-hugger heart a little.

So after a 15 minute walk from the bus station I arrive at my beloved second-hand store:

It's small, it's cluttered and everything we use in the means of technology (the computers, debit machine, phone...) is ANCIENT, but I love it, none the less.
My store!

Staff picks:

Right now my picks include Matt Good Hospital Music, The Pixies Death to the Pixies, Placebo Without You I'm Nothing and White Cowbell Oaklahoma Casa Diablo
This is Clayton. He's worked here forever and is the best to bitch to about our ridiculous customers.

He and I are 2 of the only 4 employees that work here. We're like a little, disfunctional, nerdy family

After spending a couple hours bagging DVDs and changing CD cases, I take a smoke break and a little stroll to the convenience store, two doors over in our plaza.
Once there, I induldge in a couple of my dirty little loves...
Jones soda:

I bought this one because it has a cute puppy on it. There was also one with a picture of Barak Oboma on it called "ORANGE-you-glad-for-change-SODA". Hilarious.
Different amateur photos on every bottle isn't the only awesome thing about Jones Soda; it also has a fortune under the cap!

I don;t know if you can read it, buit it says "find a pen-pal"... I miss having pen pals! I used to write letters all the time! SO much better than emails., um, does anyone out there wanna be my pen-pal?
Another dirty little love: Sherlock Holmes scratch cards.

I don't know what it is about these!!! I was never into scratch cards, but after I saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie (by the way, it's in-fucking-credible) I spotted one of these when I was buying smokes and I bought one on a whim.
The first one I scratched I won 9 bucks, and I've been hooked ever since. Now every frickin' time I buy gas, smokes, a drink, ask for directions, WHATEVER, I buy one. Guh.
Anywho, this is me with today's card... NOT a winner.

Then it's back to work. The 2 greatest things about my job are:
1) I can count on 2 hands the number of times I've actually seen my boss. When I come in, we have an hour of overlay, then Clayton leaves and I have full reign. No pressure. So good.
2) I can grab whatever the hell I want off the shelf and listen to my favorite tunes all day. Listening to music I love is the one thing keeping me from killing some of the idiots that come into my store.
Whenever there is a lag in customers and the store is empty, I either put a "Back in 5 minutes" sign on the door, and go to the sushi place in the plaza (mmm, suuushiii...), or, in today's case, I grab my dinner from the fridge and mow-down before the store picks up again.

mmm... I loves me some salad!!!
Anywho, at 9pm I close up and I'm usually outta there by about 9:20-ish.
After work tonight I headed over to by best friend Chris' house, and played some Buzz Quiz on PS3 with him, his girlfriend, and our buddies Rob, Mike and Jordan.
Chris and Kourtney:

Buzz Quiz!

So, that was my day! Pretty lame, eh? In handsight I probably should have written a blog about a day where I actually do something interesting, and not just go to work... hmmm... oh well! Next time I guess

And now, I bid you all adieu from my waterbed Max, my bed-buddy Fredrique, and me!

Nighty night SG-land
nymph xoxoxo
PS - your eyebrows look amazing. Did you get the professionally shaped?