Hey there internet boyfriends and girlfriends!
Now that I've recovered from holiday hangovers, it's blog time! And a LOT has been going on over the holidays, so it's SUPER-BLOG time!!! yay!!!
Speaking of holidays, how have everyone's been so far? Mine have been great. There have been a lot of friends, family, and this:
That picture was taken by Fynx, with her new camera! She got a super sweet digital SLR for Christmas, and saturday night we had some fun drinking and taking pictures.
Here's a couple more:

I think they're pretty fuckin cool, considering she'd only ever spent time in FRONT of cameras before. We had a great night, being silly and playing around with camera settings
HEY! Who here is looking for something to do for New Year's Eve?!
I'm going to the Bovine Sex Club to see the Creepshow. (For those of you not from the Toronto area; the Bovine Sex Club is judt the name of a bar. A NORMAL bar. There is no association with cattle intercourse, it's just a ridiculous name.)
Anywho, the show is only $10, and it's always a good party at the Bovine. So if you're going to be in Toronto for NYE, or feel like taking a roadtrip to see a wicked-aewsome band, then come toast 2009 and ring in the new year with me!
Kisses at midnight for everyone!!!
In other news; I got somethin' mighty special for Christmas from my parents this year. I got the rest of the money I needed to go to Renna and MattA's wedding in Cuba!!!
I am SO excited. I love these two to death, and I was saving up like crazy to make sure I could attend, and now it's definitely a go!
(Matt and Renna doing their best "Sears" pose. So cute!)
I've never been anywhere outside of North America before. I've only been to the States a handful of times; once when I was 3 and we won a trip to Disneyland (all I really remember is throwing up on the plane), a couple trips south of the boarder for cheerleading competitions, and my yearly shopping trip to Detroit with my mom.
Despite not being very well travelled outside of Canada, I CAN boast that I have been to every province in my country
(I have yet to see the territories, but hopefully one day.)
Part of the reason I haven't really travelled anywhere is my anxiety. I get really uncomfortable with the unfamiliar, and being in a strange country with so many new things, and sleeping somewhere I am not used to may be a little panic-inducing for me.
One thing that concerns me is being able to find enough vegan food. We will be staying in an all-inclusive resort, and I don't know how vegan-friendly their culinary options will be. The good thing is that Renna and MattA are also both vegan, so hopefully between the 3 of us we can find some decent options.
The thing that I am MOST worried about, however, is the FLIGHT. I am TERRIFIED of flying. The last time I was on a plane was when I was 18, and I took a 4 hour flight to BC with my boyfriend at the time. This was only my second time ever on a plane (besides the one I don't really remember taking when I was 3).
It was terrible. I cried and felt completely clostrophobic and anxious the entire flight. I had Ativan, which I normally take for panic-attacks, but it wasn't enough. The entire experience was so stressful and agonizing just because of my stupid, irrational fears, and I am getting worked-up just talking about it.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep my anxiety in check for this flight, but I'm not certain I'll be able to. Regardless of my fears and anxieties, however, I wouldn't miss one of my best friends' wedding for the world. I am so happy for her, and thrilled she is marrying such an amazing guy.
I am going over to Renna's tonight to hang out, and book my flight and trip together, so we can make sure everything lines up for the week. I'm stoked to see her
Well boyfriends and girlfriends, I believe that's all for now. I have a room that is aching to be cleaned before I head over to Renna's.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, and if you're in Toronto for NYE, drop by the Bovine!!! Seriously!!! Dooo iiit...
love love love
nymph xoxoxo
Now that I've recovered from holiday hangovers, it's blog time! And a LOT has been going on over the holidays, so it's SUPER-BLOG time!!! yay!!!
Speaking of holidays, how have everyone's been so far? Mine have been great. There have been a lot of friends, family, and this:

That picture was taken by Fynx, with her new camera! She got a super sweet digital SLR for Christmas, and saturday night we had some fun drinking and taking pictures.
Here's a couple more:

I think they're pretty fuckin cool, considering she'd only ever spent time in FRONT of cameras before. We had a great night, being silly and playing around with camera settings

HEY! Who here is looking for something to do for New Year's Eve?!

I'm going to the Bovine Sex Club to see the Creepshow. (For those of you not from the Toronto area; the Bovine Sex Club is judt the name of a bar. A NORMAL bar. There is no association with cattle intercourse, it's just a ridiculous name.)
Anywho, the show is only $10, and it's always a good party at the Bovine. So if you're going to be in Toronto for NYE, or feel like taking a roadtrip to see a wicked-aewsome band, then come toast 2009 and ring in the new year with me!
Kisses at midnight for everyone!!!
In other news; I got somethin' mighty special for Christmas from my parents this year. I got the rest of the money I needed to go to Renna and MattA's wedding in Cuba!!!
I am SO excited. I love these two to death, and I was saving up like crazy to make sure I could attend, and now it's definitely a go!

(Matt and Renna doing their best "Sears" pose. So cute!)
I've never been anywhere outside of North America before. I've only been to the States a handful of times; once when I was 3 and we won a trip to Disneyland (all I really remember is throwing up on the plane), a couple trips south of the boarder for cheerleading competitions, and my yearly shopping trip to Detroit with my mom.
Despite not being very well travelled outside of Canada, I CAN boast that I have been to every province in my country

Part of the reason I haven't really travelled anywhere is my anxiety. I get really uncomfortable with the unfamiliar, and being in a strange country with so many new things, and sleeping somewhere I am not used to may be a little panic-inducing for me.
One thing that concerns me is being able to find enough vegan food. We will be staying in an all-inclusive resort, and I don't know how vegan-friendly their culinary options will be. The good thing is that Renna and MattA are also both vegan, so hopefully between the 3 of us we can find some decent options.
The thing that I am MOST worried about, however, is the FLIGHT. I am TERRIFIED of flying. The last time I was on a plane was when I was 18, and I took a 4 hour flight to BC with my boyfriend at the time. This was only my second time ever on a plane (besides the one I don't really remember taking when I was 3).
It was terrible. I cried and felt completely clostrophobic and anxious the entire flight. I had Ativan, which I normally take for panic-attacks, but it wasn't enough. The entire experience was so stressful and agonizing just because of my stupid, irrational fears, and I am getting worked-up just talking about it.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep my anxiety in check for this flight, but I'm not certain I'll be able to. Regardless of my fears and anxieties, however, I wouldn't miss one of my best friends' wedding for the world. I am so happy for her, and thrilled she is marrying such an amazing guy.
I am going over to Renna's tonight to hang out, and book my flight and trip together, so we can make sure everything lines up for the week. I'm stoked to see her

Well boyfriends and girlfriends, I believe that's all for now. I have a room that is aching to be cleaned before I head over to Renna's.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, and if you're in Toronto for NYE, drop by the Bovine!!! Seriously!!! Dooo iiit...
love love love
nymph xoxoxo
how did i not see y0u at all?!?!
have a great trip and new year!