Finally after months of fighting with insurance I got my power chair! I've never had one before so learning to use this thing is pretty entertaining 😂
For those of you who may be wondering... Yes I'm fine I still primarily use my crutches to walk. However becoming a mother especially a single mother has presented a whole new level of challenges for me. Having this power chair just makes it easier for both of us.
Prior to having a baby I used to just get around my house by crawling around or using my crutches however crutches occupy my hands which make it more difficult to perform a task that I need to in order to adequately care for both of us. typically to combat this I would crawl around my house. However my body has decided that it doesn't want me to do that anymore.
I've been getting swollen knees as a result of being on my knees too much... (No pun intended) 😂😂😂😂
Anywho the only way to really heal from my current injuries is to use as power chair as much as I can around the house. But it's also going to be really nice for going on walks outside with my son. And the next time I go to six flags or some crazy excursion where I have to walk a bunch instead of killing myself I can just use this power chair 😂
anyway I'm super excited and I wanted to share this with you guys because honestly this whole community helps me be more accepting of my disability seeing it as a strength instead of a flaw. I remember when I first started modeling for suicide girls on my application I included my crutches but when it came to shooting my first set. I was really worried about including my crutches in the said because I didn't know how it would be received by members on the site. in my life up to that point I had been used to it not being well-received where I'm from. But this whole community has been so supportive of me and my decision after that debut set to start showing off all of who I really am including what some might consider a flaw. thanks to this community I no longer see it as a flaw and I'm proud of it and it doesn't scare me to talk about it on the internet and show it off.
I also think if it wasn't for such a positive experience with my disability over the last few years in large part to this community, I would have been a lot less receptive to considering getting a power chair even though in reality I really needed it. I was always terrified of anything that would make me seem more handicapped than what I felt I was to the rest of the world. when I was younger I was so concerned about this to the point where I would choose to suffer unnecessarily so that I didn't look weak orpitiful in someone else's eyes. But over the years as I've gotten older and gained a hell of a lot more confidence I no longer care how the rest of the world sees me I'd only care about how I see me. And I now see that accepting help where I need it is not a weakness but a true strength. after having my son a lot of my stubbornness went away and my first concern and priority was making sure but he never suffered because of my disability. And that's why I decided to get a walker and a power chair and leg braces again. Although I may never be able to walk independently at this point I'm not going to let myself regress I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that my son never sees me suffering and that he never suffers because of me. but like I said along with my son and the inspiration he gave me I have a lot to think this community for as far as that goes too. I really think had I never joined Suicide Girls as a model I would still be self-conscious about how others perceive to my disability and I would have not accomplished some of the things that I have I would have not inspired and touched a lot of the people that I have.
I'll probably take some more pictures of my chair.... Hell I may even end up doing a set in my wheelchair at some point because why not 😉😘 anyway I really wanted to show you guys and also wanted to say thank you to everybody who has encouraged me and supported me all these years that I've been with Suicide Girls ❤️
@rambo @missy