First blog!
I actually blog on another site almost everyday, but I love the boards and groups on this site, so here I am!
My b/f has been a member here since forever, and I finally got curious enough to see what the site is actually all about...and well...I kinda like it
But since I've just wasted about three hours looking at everything...I'm off to bed.
I actually blog on another site almost everyday, but I love the boards and groups on this site, so here I am!
My b/f has been a member here since forever, and I finally got curious enough to see what the site is actually all about...and well...I kinda like it
But since I've just wasted about three hours looking at everything...I'm off to bed.
I totally agree with you... if you ever made it to the EU WoW servers, let me know and we can play together!!!
Hey and welcome.I am also a newbie...just joined...Enjoy