back in Iowa.
Put in another application with the budweiser distributor in Austin so I now have a resume out at three different beer distributors, hopefully I get an offer from one of them. Looking to hopefully move to Austin by the end of April after my buddy gets back from vacation and we can both move down there and so them how we do. Denver airport was quite nice, too bad they don't leave ya enough of a layover time so I didn't get to have a beer at the airport. oh well, probably too expensive anyway. Every time I second guess whether I want to leave my friends behind and move to Austin my work does something to make my decision easier. Somebody got fired today, they just seem to fire people for no reason. they don't really care about anyone especially their drivers. So because of that fact I think its time for me to get out before I'm the next one on the chopping block. I'm great at my job, but that doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Good luck with the job hunting.