Yeah so I just found out that I have an intramural ice hockey game tomorrow night which just so happens to be the same night that I have the Legends christmas party...damn, i so wanted to get drunk tomorrow night. anyway, i'm bored and just decided to stop by.
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 26, 2006
turns out I got too drunk at the christmas party that I couldn't play… -
Sunday Jan 22, 2006
Yeah so I just found out that I have an intramural ice hockey game to… -
Tuesday Jan 03, 2006
yeah, so I'm back in Iowa...FUCK!!! -
Sunday Dec 25, 2005
Merry fuckin Christmas Hopefully your christmas was better than mine… -
Wednesday Dec 21, 2005
So i've been able to use a computer this whole week and its been fun.… -
Tuesday Dec 20, 2005
so, i am in wonderful? Black Mountain, NC. My plan was to leave sunda… -
Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
so my laptop decided to be a sandy little butthole and stop working. … -
Friday Sep 23, 2005
I figured it out, I am truly messed up in the head. Whenever I get dr… -
Tuesday Sep 20, 2005
My life truly sucks right now financially. Not only do I have to pay … -
Saturday Sep 17, 2005
so the hockey team opened up the season yesterday against the Unversi…