So i've been able to use a computer this whole week and its been fun. I've been able to catch up on all the music i've been missing. I finally got to listen to some more Anberlin, Silverstein, HIM, and Bayside and its been so much fun. I h'aven't listened to this much good music in a while. Tomorrow I get everything ready to head to NY on friday morning. Hopefully next time i visit NC i'll be able to find some things to do that might actually be fun. Oh well, i'm gonna peace out and go to sleep.
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 27, 2008
so its thanksgiving. I've noticed that the older I get the less I enj… -
Wednesday Nov 05, 2008
you know what really sucks? Hernias suck. I suffered one working satu… -
Sunday Sep 07, 2008
just spent three hours in a chair getting more of my shoulder piece d… -
Monday Aug 11, 2008
been to the Iowa State Fair twice so far this year. Went to east side… -
Thursday Aug 07, 2008
wow, what an exciting birthday. I worked from 6am until 7pm, then wen… -
Saturday Jul 12, 2008
i'm headin back up to ames today to hopefully finish my tattoo. I say… -
Wednesday Jun 11, 2008
seriously enough with the fucking rain. my shoes are soaking wet from… -
Sunday Jun 08, 2008
i make a damn good bloody mary. anyone else want one? ps. I love H… -
Saturday May 31, 2008
i am currently typing this blog with one hand and one other finger an… -
Sunday May 11, 2008
so i'm almost all moved in down in des moines. the place i'm moving t…