headed to the Vegas on wednesday and staying until saturday morning. Have no idea what we are planning on doing yet, but it will be my first time there so it will be awesome no matter what. Now that i'm a salesman I'm actually making money and will actually be able to do stuff in Vegas and not worry about how much its cost. oh...
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moved into a new place with a couple buddies. haven't had internet for over a month, quite lame. well, i'm no longer a driver for iowa beverage, but instead am now selling the route I was driving. So now its time to make the big bucks hopefully. anyway, looks like my buddy and I are gonna take a quick trip to Vegas around the end...
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back in Iowa.
Put in another application with the budweiser distributor in Austin so I now have a resume out at three different beer distributors, hopefully I get an offer from one of them. Looking to hopefully move to Austin by the end of April after my buddy gets back from vacation and we can both move down there and so them how we do....
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Have you applied at Centex Beverage Inc? They are always hiring. My sister does promotions for them and loves them! They are in southeast Austin. Good luck!
Thanks for the windows 7 parody!
I needed a giggle
Good luck with the job hunting.

Good luck with the job hunting.
put in applications at both the Miller and Coors distributors in Austin. hopefully i can transfer here from Des Moines. would make my life much more enjoyable. Think I found my new tattoo shop if I move here at Southside Tattoo. any other suggestions or caution to stay away let me know. Looking to go to Stubbs tonight for the Matt Hires show, but my...
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I have been dicking around on my laptop virtually all day today. The only exceptions being my trip to randalls and walmart. that and dinner. What an exciting vacation. I suppose that I why I hate taking vacations. Doesn't help that the closest person I know lives in Houston and works everyday. So i'm left hanging out with my mom, which is the reason i'm...
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haha, I always wanted to be part of a "Wolfpack"! Now all we need to do is run around Vegas and find some strippers and cocaine 

been in Austin since saturday afternoon and still haven't found anyone to hang out with other than my mom, making the trip very boring. On the bright side, i love the shit out of this city. I believe that as soon as I get back to iowa I will start the ball rolling on moving down here. anyway, still hoping that i can find somebody...
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P.S. dating sits suck. ever notice that when you sign up for the free part you get tons of winks and emails, but as soon as you pay for a membership they virtually stop, or none of the "women" you got winks from earlier ever wink back? Not even looking for a date so there's no point for me to sign up, i'm just lookin for someone to hang out with.
Thank you! I'm glad you like the story and Austin! 

headed to Austin, TX in the morning. can't effin wait. Would be cool to run into some SG's and/or SG members down there, but not sure how to go about that especially on short notice. anyway, so excited to get out of iowa and this shitty snow. took FORever to drive my semi from pella back to des moines. ready for warm weather.
The countdown has begun. Saturday I will be on my way to Austin, TX for a much needed vacation. All this snow is making me a very unhappy person. It makes my job suck and depresses me. I can't wait to go somewhere that has a normal temperature. I'm going to visit my mom who I haven't seen in over a year and will also...
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I'm back. Not sure why other than pure boredom. anyway, what did i miss?
watchin the super bowl right now kinda semi interested, but not interested enough to go watch with a bunch of other friends. so i'm just sitting at home being anti social. really hoping the saints win. as a cowboys fan I really like Shaun Payton being as he is a former...
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watchin the super bowl right now kinda semi interested, but not interested enough to go watch with a bunch of other friends. so i'm just sitting at home being anti social. really hoping the saints win. as a cowboys fan I really like Shaun Payton being as he is a former...
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Hey man, what's going on? I just got on the site 2 weeks ago. It was a "gift" from someone on here so that's pretty cool. Not much going on here..just new tattoos and working at the same place 5 years later. I'm looking to move to Texas to get out of this damn snow
Nice. I'll be going to Texas to visit later April, Early May to surprise my friend for his birthday
made it up to ames last night for a night of binge drinking with some friends I haven't seen for a couple months. I finally made it to the new es tas location. nice to see them doing well. Paddys used to be my favorite bar back when i went to iowa state, but that place has gone really downhill. it was a friday night...
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so its thanksgiving. I've noticed that the older I get the less I enjoy thanksgiving. My early years were spent with family doing the whole traditional thanksgiving. Well, as normal as can be with divorced parents living in different states. The past couple years though have not been all that special. Last year i spent the day on an airplane flying to san antonio to...
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you know what really sucks? Hernias suck. I suffered one working saturday while delivering 15 kegs. So right now i'm stuck sitting/laying on my couch waiting for the workman's comp doctors that i saw schedule me for surgery. Then after surgery i'm looking at about a six week recovery time. Yeah, that's just not gonna cut it. I'm gonna get really pissy if i have...
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I hope you feel better!