Okay so someone stole my baby name! OMG!!!! Okay, in all honesty, I don't remember ever having told this person my baby names but FUCK man! Grr. See, I want to name my daughter Aurelia and call her Aura. And my friend is like six months pregnant I think and naming her daughter Aura. That seriously sucks.
I'm also on a new diet. Not really...
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I'm also on a new diet. Not really...
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you were gonna name your kid something that sounds a lot like a portion of the anatomical structure of a boob? I think someone just saved your child from a life of ridicule and degredation ... just a thought ...

It's ok ... my kid names are weird too ... Maecella, Tanith, Laurell, Aria, to name a few ... boy names are like Magnus, Asher, Xander, Anson ... my kids are gonna be screwed from day one ...
I guess I'm over having turned 23. I'll live. I guess.
Things have been pretty uneventful this week. My fourth was spent at Eric's partner's house (business partner, dudes). We got stoned, watched the fireworks, and then King Kong. It was nice, laid back. My other roommates went up to DC which I was kind of pissed about. They were supposed to leave early to...
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Things have been pretty uneventful this week. My fourth was spent at Eric's partner's house (business partner, dudes). We got stoned, watched the fireworks, and then King Kong. It was nice, laid back. My other roommates went up to DC which I was kind of pissed about. They were supposed to leave early to...
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If it'll make you feel better, I could pay you some attention. Other girls call it stalking, but they just didn't appreciate it. Of course, I tend to go for stoner chicks, so they may have been a tad paranoid.
Well shit. It's my mutherfucking birthday. 23. Gah. Lame. When does the time start moving backwards?
I'm getting depressed again. I really need to see the brain doctor. Or I need to branch out again, try something else. I'm growing a little disgruntled with some of my current relationships and I think distancing myself is exactly what I need right now. I think the honest...
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I'm getting depressed again. I really need to see the brain doctor. Or I need to branch out again, try something else. I'm growing a little disgruntled with some of my current relationships and I think distancing myself is exactly what I need right now. I think the honest...
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25 is the scary one. 23 isn't so bad!! happy b-day.
23? big deal ... i'm 23 and I'm still pretty much ok most of the time ... what sucks is i'm super tired right now and my neighbors have been fucking for like three hours, so i can't sleep because of the noise and the hard-on, and i have no one to call over to give me a hand ... no one ... now that's frustrating ...

Well, I'm still alive. I had the most amazing hippie fest ever. I went to this folk music festival in NY with a bunch of my friends and we just got drunk, got high, and walked around barefoot for three days. It was awesome. I'm determined to leave my suburban life for something more...primative. I'm really disgruntled by having to come back to my life....
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Question: Will there be weed and free love at this commune? If the answer to both is yes, then I am so there!
Totally stoned right now too....
And i fuckin love the new ink!
And i fuckin love the new ink!

Okay. So I guess I'll really do an update. Yeah, crazy sex, woo. Flip back for more info. However, so much more has happened since I left here. So. Let's try to start from the beginning.
I've had about a million jobs in the last few months. Substitute teacher was only the beginning. I continued lifeguarding until December and I'm trying to get back into...
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I've had about a million jobs in the last few months. Substitute teacher was only the beginning. I continued lifeguarding until December and I'm trying to get back into...
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Substitute teacher, eh? I wish I had teachers like you growing up. Especially sexy nun substitute teachers. (Very nice Halloween pic

Jesus Christ. Let me be gone for like six months at a time and expect things to be normal when I get back. Oh well. They say change is good. I'll let you know on that one...
only like ... 3 days ago. it's new to everyone.
No I didn't! That's fuckinfantastic! I haven't been up to much ... mostly working until I can get back into school. I did finally get into my own apartment ... check out my pics section for some photos. It's sweet.

Two of my roommates and I went to explore this abandoned Renaissance Faire that's nearby. It was so amazing. According to what information I can still find on it, it was only open for about a year. But the buildings are still up, though very run down. Anyway, it's for sale so I'm going to start up a website to get people to donate money...
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Holy...Serene...mother of god. Wow.
On another note, I'm sick. Sick sick sick. Stupid children. Making me sick. Little animals.
I need to get a different job. As much as I love this job, I can't do this forever. And I need to start looking for the next step. With any luck, I won't have to do this until June...
I'm adding a few more pictures....
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On another note, I'm sick. Sick sick sick. Stupid children. Making me sick. Little animals.
I need to get a different job. As much as I love this job, I can't do this forever. And I need to start looking for the next step. With any luck, I won't have to do this until June...
I'm adding a few more pictures....
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awww thank you!
that made me smile!
i hope you're feeling better

that made me smile!
i hope you're feeling better

Hokay. Well, how are you guys doing? I'm excellent. The party went fabulously. There weren't a TON of people, but it was probably better that way. There was a domestic dispute in the road between people that we didn't even invite which got the cops called. God dammit. Oh well. The cop didn't bust the party or check IDs or anything. As we always say,...
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