It's been awhile. Time to stop perving and write something! So that job I had? It fell through. And so did the next two. I did a week of part-time work, and now I'm unemployed again. I have a case lined up nest week @ a yeshiva, and a UCP (United Cerebral Palsy) gig I might get in Staten Island. I have options, but my optimism is wavering. It shouldn't take this long to find a reliable job. The last decent one I had was in October, and that seemed like it would be the job for the school year, but that fell through under dubious circumstances. I'll explain: I was working with this child in a yeshiva. The mother and I were talking about transferring him to a different school. Top of the list: Hebrew Language Academy, a school I had previously worked at. I tell my company the child is switching school and I expect to be joining him. After all, I've already worked at that school: they know me and like me there, and I can walk there from my place in 15 minutes. The school is steadfast in their decision to get a new para. This is odd for several reasons: first off, you usually prefer to keep a child with a para they are familiar with; a para is a 1:1 teacher's aide that usually shadows a particular child, and exposing a child to a new one is not necessarily good, especially when dealing with a kid with special needs. Second, I needed training to acquire the job with this child. That means the next para would need training too, and that wastes time. This kid was allergic to almost all edible foods, and he had a physical ailment which I'm not at liberty to go into that requires you to know a lot about him, his condition, and how to deal with him if anything goes wrong. Third, I'm familiar with the school. People know me, the special education coordinator knows me, and I know my way around. But, they wanted a new para. The school said they wanted a "fresh start" for the child, a vague excuse that doesn't really make sense because I came on a couple of weeks before the transfer, making me pretty FUCKING fresh, and when I asked my supervisor for the REAL reason why they didn't want me at the school, her boss, who coordinates directly with the school, gave her the same vague reason to relay back to me.
After this, I've had four other job offers that didn't go anywhere. I'm being worn down and I need a job, but id doesn't do me any good to despsair because if I do I'm guaranteed to get nothing done. I've been writing a story; it might become a novel, but right now I'm just adding to it a page or two at a time and seeing where it takes me.
I'll post an except:
The Prophet emerged from his hovel and uttered these words:
“we are lost”
Catastrophic organ failure ensued and women and men of all ages began to collapse like it was the rapture, blood poured freely from every orifice like it was absolution, the sick the lame the blind the mute all became the dead like it was armageddon.
The prophet looked upon this and a wry smile wriggled its way onto his face. He turned from the apocalypse and entered his hovel: he had work to do. The end was nigh, it was and it was not, and he had work to do.
* * *
SG changed the font to Times New Roman. I was using American Typewriter, which I think is pretty groovy. Anyway, I'm off for now. I'll keep you posted, and maybe post more of this story if anyone of my "followers" likes it. I kind of dislike that term, because it makes me feel like I'm the leader of a cult. Then again, that's also why I DO like it. }:^)