Fuck YES.
I found a new place!
It's a really sweet enormous basement room, and it's running my only $600 a month. I'm pretty sure everything's included: gas, electric, wi-fi, the works. I don't usually post my own room or anything on here, but I think after I move in I'm going to share, because sharing is caring and I care about my fanbase. I'm not entirely sure whether or not I have one, but if I do, I care about them.
I found a new place!
It's a really sweet enormous basement room, and it's running my only $600 a month. I'm pretty sure everything's included: gas, electric, wi-fi, the works. I don't usually post my own room or anything on here, but I think after I move in I'm going to share, because sharing is caring and I care about my fanbase. I'm not entirely sure whether or not I have one, but if I do, I care about them.

thanks for your love .. so any blushes
I think I'm blushproof. Isn't it my goal to make you blush? I won't deny being a shameless flirt as well as a flatterer, but I refuse to lie to people to that end. I speak (and write) only the truth.