So, back in school. Loving my advanced creative writing class! Not so much classics. The last thing I want to do is fall behind. I am a bit behind, but it's not insurmountable yet, so I have an opportunity to catch up. However, school is making it difficult to find a job, and with my roommate moving out of a place I can barely afford now, and no one I know who wants to move in, my immediate future is in jeopardy. Additionally, almost any place I move to will make it much harder to get to school. So, yeah. Keeping my head above water. I just wish the water level would stop rising.
I adore creative writing and wish I took more time to do it. Sometimes I think I'm scared of putting things on paper or in a blog cause it really shows me lol. You remind me that it's healthy to get it out. Do you have a bulletin board at school you can post an add for a roommate or a fellow student you could ask? I know when I was in college last year they had one there and it seemed very popular and gave good results. Chin up Soldier, things will work out. ![smile](
First off, I want to thank you for reading this. I mostly do this for myself, but I like to have people read and comment when they can; it makes me feel like people can empathize, and there's too little empathy in the world. As to the housing situation, that's a little more complicated because I'm unemployed and probably can't afford the place I'm at now even with a roommate.