Job interview on Tuesday = killed it!
Not one, but TWO interviews tomorrow!
I have a DATE of Friday!
What the fuck is happening?
I met someone. (I swear to god I'm not that short. She's wearing heels. (Although I'm still pretty short.)
That was ComicCon. I also saw Ben Folds Five, but the pictures are so-so at best, and I met Phil LaMarr, but he seemed to be in a hurry so I didn't ask for a picture. (If you don't know, this is the lovely and talented future SG Pesky. :love
After ComicCon I've been super busy looking for work and became really fucking good at not finding any, although I did turn up some leads: my Careerbuilder account got the attention of the agency that I spoke to yesterday, and a trip to Monday night Magic @ the Atrium public space in Manhattan is where I met a girl who works for the Bloomberg company. That's one of my two interviewers tomorrow. So I'm doing okay.
Oh, and I met a girl on OKcupid.
Additionally, I look amazing.
Best week in a while. Keep your fingers crossed!
Maybe there is something to "Mouse" as a surname.