I ate grasshopper, raw horse, and wild boar last night. And I drank way too much sake too....
no wonder I'm completely unproductive today....And I have a story to revise for Barely Legal that I am really not very excited about.
I did whack it four times, though. Does that count as productive? I like being a girl sometimes.
no wonder I'm completely unproductive today....And I have a story to revise for Barely Legal that I am really not very excited about.
I did whack it four times, though. Does that count as productive? I like being a girl sometimes.

Yeah, I've had a much better time whacking it lately than when I actually got laid (you will be getting a dirty letter about that soon). Well, that's not entirely true, but at least I felt better about myself afterwards. Your pictures are so kawaii!!! I love you.
Darcy Suicide
P.P.S. Put a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream!