Wassup, biotches? Work ainft too bad today, theyfre doing this international festival thing and I got to see sexy bellydancers and eat gyroscyum, food with flavor!
I also did a tea ceremony. They gave us sweets that were supposed to look like carp streamers (koinobori) for boys day, and some pink tea with sweet cherry blossoms in it.
I have tomorrow off- yay! Gotta figure out what to do with myself on a TuesdaycI hate having weekdays off.
But Ifm going dancing at Metro with Esther on Weds, so that should be fun.
I also did a tea ceremony. They gave us sweets that were supposed to look like carp streamers (koinobori) for boys day, and some pink tea with sweet cherry blossoms in it.
I have tomorrow off- yay! Gotta figure out what to do with myself on a TuesdaycI hate having weekdays off.
But Ifm going dancing at Metro with Esther on Weds, so that should be fun.